@Canucks de Vancouver

Ce joueur a CRIÉ après son gardien de but…

JT Miller a été un BUSTE pour les Canucks de Vancouver cette saison. Les Canucks sont probablement BLOQUÉS avec son contrat depuis longtemps. JT Miller a crié après son propre gardien Collin Delia hier soir et lui a balancé son bâton. Les Canucks perdraient contre les Jets de Winnipeg dans ce match. Suivez-moi : https://twitter.com/earboyq https://www.instagram.com/earboysport/ https://www.tiktok.com/@earboysport #nhl #hockey #shorts


  1. He has passion shows it more than any other player and is one of the most consistent player on the team and gives it his all every play he is not a defenceman I play goal he wanted Delia to leave while he had possession behind the net so on the breakout they had 6 happens a lot in hockey he wasn’t mad at him he was getting his attention with all the noise from the crowd I was at that game you guys who are bandwagon fans don’t understand this and whine about every little thing if horvat wants to stay he will we can offer him a decent amount of money you want to talk about most turnovers look at myers he is complete garbage at 6m a year he screws up so much every single game the problem is our d men not our forwards we are 6th in scoring in the league and 28th in goals against also our goalies have struggled know your team know the problems

  2. If I'm the goalie. I call out Miller in front of the team and ask him to step outside.

  3. Love when hockey players are little whiny little piss babies. Oh I’m sorry, you get play a game for millions of dollars. Your life is so hard.

  4. He's got what I call Fedorov-itis.
    Gets more money and falls on his face…gets traded for even more money and falls on his face even harder…Fedorov literally played with a lazy look just like Miller and Fedorov never was the real player he could have been…literally a true great….money changed everything for him and he admitted it.

  5. im a goalie myself and have had moments like this where my teammates have lost their temper at me, it does not help shit and it aint worth it

  6. It was NOT Delia’s fault. It’s the coach’s job when pulling the goalie to keep doing the signal until the goalie makes it to the bench. Delia was confused and miller was trying to tell him what to do. It wasn’t his place to yell at him though, that’s the coaches and captains job.

  7. Dude
    If you have never been in an elite dressing room, from the WHL or equivalent up, as a team member then sit the FUCK up
    You are nothing
    You have no clue what it’s like

  8. What is this very effeminate rant on Miller. Just cry for the goalie and get over it.

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