@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Incident de rage au volant

Incident de rage au volant



  1. NeverForget06

    I don’t go to it because I don’t use it, but I’d throw this up on the Canes Facebook page. Heck, maybe even reply to Hurricanes’ Twitter posts with the video. We’re not that big of a town, people are going to recognize that asshole and share their info.

  2. Ultramarine_Boaner

    I would absolutely share this with the Canes organization, along with the plate number. Just out of curiosity, which lot was this? We’re long term STM and I’ll keep my eye out too.

    The parking lots are atrocious any more after the games, probably owing in large degree to “new” bandwagon fans. You even see drivers pull all kinds of obnoxious stuff AFTER about 15 cars have yielded to them to let them get out of their parking spot, into the flow of traffic, etc. Then they think they have a green light to basically speed out of the arena without the slightest inconvenience.

    If nobody gave anybody a break and let them move, we’d all still be sitting there after last night’s game.

  3. blinker1eighty2

    u/canesofficial i know you’re just a part of the social media team but maybe you can connect OP to the right resources?

    Also, if this is an STM what a disgrace. I hate when bad eggs ruin the rep of our fanbase, hope this dildo gets banned from PNC

  4. hate to see anyone in a canes jersey behaving this way

    this makes me glad i always park off-site

    i’m not the most patient driver in the world sometimes but i cannot at all fathom getting out of my car and directly threatening somebody, especially for something like getting out of an arena parking lot where everyone is just trying to take whatever space they can. not good to take stuff like that personally

  5. psyopsono

    Post his video all over the Canes fb page and fan pages. Get his face out there, someone in the r/Raleigh thread said they recognized him.

    Sorry this happened OP. Insane that RPD isn’t optimistic despite you providing a plate number and detailed photo.

  6. Tiny_Opportunity7210

    They should be able to find this guy again at the stadium no problem

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