@Canucks de Vancouver

Ce doit être notre nouveau maillot extérieur

Ce doit être notre nouveau maillot extérieur



  1. Nah. I don’t get all the love for the skate. It’s not a great logo that looks ok in small doses. Wear it all the time and it will get old really fast. I think all these fans wanting it full time never watched the team in the 80s and 90s.

  2. Is it possible to buy the white skate jersey anywhere?

  3. Dangerous-Finance-67

    I don’t really understand why it’s not the main jersey at this point. Pretty much everyone unanimously loves it. There was a poll done last year by AM650 that pegged it at 85% most preferred jersey

  4. Realistic_Ad7517

    Jesus christ no. It looks *so fucking bad*

  5. Chipmunk-Adventurous

    I’m all for it. This is my favourite jersey and logo by a mile.

  6. No thank you. I love the home blacks in doses because it looks menacing as fuck. The away whites look pretty bad.

  7. grooverocker

    The black skate is the most badass jersey in the league, LOVE IT.

    These white ones are the obvious counterpart to the black… very nostalgic!

    However, the green and blue has come to represent west coast hockey in a big way. It would be weird to see the Canucks abandon that colour scheme.

  8. Shakermakerx

    Those are sick, but green and blue + orca should be our identity forever

  9. McBarnacle

    If you lived through spaghetti chances are its a hard pass.

    I like it. But home colours, and used as an alternative thats brought out through the season.

    The blue and kelly green is much more liveable everyday IMO

  10. DishwasherFromSurrey

    Blue green and the whale represent BC way better than a Halloween spaghetti plate. don’t get me wrong, I love the skate, I own a skate jersey and lots of skate merch… but it would get old VERY fast and everyone would be clamouring for the whale back. We have probably had more major branding changes than any pro sports team ever. We have finally had a consistent look for 15 years and we should stick with it. I think our green/blues look very sharp and the only change to them that should happen is a logo re-design by an actual coast salish or Haida artist. Having said all that… i definitely would love to see them use the white skate as the 3rd for a season.

  11. Feralwestcoaster

    I love the white skate, pure nostalgia, but no, after a short time the novelty would wear off and everyone would hate them again

  12. Love the whites so much, would love to see them in-game again.

  13. Captain_JT_Miller

    Friendly reminder the orca is orca bay, a corporate logo. Bring on the spaghets!

    Edit: Mark Messier fans downvoting. Orca Bay ownership brought us Messier.

  14. CamaroGirl96

    I guess like someone said. It’s like music. Not everybody likes the same genre. Same with logos/jerseys.

    We have the orca/blue/green with the nostalgia black as a nice third. Everyone gets a little of what they want.

    It’s nice to see the retro logo once and a while but I think people will tire of it quickly. It’s also very similar to other teams in the league with Vegas being close, and then of course you have the black/yellow of Boston and Pittsburgh.

    I personally think it’s nice to have colours that no other team has.

    Plus unless you’re going to away games you wouldn’t see these in person anyway. I guess they could make a one time at home exception but according to equipment managers when that happens it’s a pain in the butt for the visiting team.

    Although I might be in the minority I kinda wish white was home again as I prefer the white (current) jerseys to the blue ones. The logo looks better with the blue C as opposed to the white.

  15. giannigabagool

    Honestly imo the original 1970 jersey is still the best set to date

  16. canucklehead200

    Ya we need to bring back the white, it’s heavily underrated. Except its difficult to hide the inevitable beer and mustard stains.

    I’d even enjoy a return to the stick in ring logo at some point, the whites looked great against the likes of Montreal I recall

  17. TheRealTollah

    I think the Black should be our home gear. Wear the blue for away, but the black is just so Hadassah, especially in our own building

  18. Ktowncanuck

    That doesn’t look right without the inside of the logo being white just like the original one. Imho. Also even the back jersey looks off without the white on the inside of the logo to me but I remember watching during the 90s so maybe it’s just nostalgia.

  19. pluralsight24

    If we switch to the Skate jerseys permanently and we wear the orca for a couple of games a few years later – we’re going to be clamoring to « bRinG tHeM bAcK1!! » Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

  20. BrodyCanuck

    I really think this is a tough call. The blue and green aren’t exactly the nicest looking jerseys but no one else in the league has that colour scheme…it is the canucks colours. Hartford Whalers took the same colours 9 years after us, but since then no one else has had the blue and green mix.

    These black ones are fairly close to the flames jerseys, which we arguably had the colour scheme first since they were mostly red and yellow before they added a black jersey, but to me it feels a bit strange having similar colours as another team rather than just keeping our own unique identity even if it means it doesn’t look as nice. Especially when the colours match the identity of the flames better.

    I just don’t like the idea of looking similar to another team. Look at the lightning for example, they look exactly like the leafs which is just stupid in my opinion.

  21. Batsinvic888

    If teams like Carolina can have 4 jerseys, so can we.

  22. jdmay101

    I assume you photoshopped this… could you try the 1989 aways, I.e black and orange with the skate logo on yellow? I’m curious.

  23. MarvelousOxman

    No. The skate is a fun third but that’s all it should be. It’s the flavour of the month, but the months will change. Going back to it permanently is like getting a barbed wire tattoo because it will always be in style.

    If the skate became the permanent look it would stop being fun, like eating candy for every meal.

  24. BrokenArmsFrigidMom

    The spaghetti whites were probably my favourite kit at the time, but they don’t hold up for some reason when I see the mock ups.

    I think they were iconic for a moment in time… but the black ones hold up well.

    I still like the blue/white/green scheme for our mains though

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