@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Cela devient incontrôlable

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs Les Maple Leafs de Toronto ont perdu 6-3 hier soir face aux Sénateurs d’Ottawa dans la bataille de l’Ontario. Par la suite, l’entraîneur Sheldon Keefe a commenté le jeu défensif de l’équipe qui, selon lui, est « devenu incontrôlable ». Nous examinons en profondeur pourquoi les Leafs sont en difficulté et comment le problème ne se limite pas à un seul joueur. Suivez Jack Han sur Twitter pour des pannes incroyables. Il a certains des éléments les plus perspicaces de la plateforme. https://twitter.com/jhanhky?s=21&t=VQRydvhJK8SDXJEaA7Gscw


  1. Sounds like the coaching is failing (or being exposed… finally… ) along with poor personal on d 😅

  2. Crazy to me that if these trends we are seeing with Edmonton and Toronto we could see a playoffs without McDavid and Matthews, kind of like last year when we didn't have Ovi and Crosby in the playoffs.

  3. newly subscribed. love your breakdowns. could we get your take on the Preds soon? also, in the offseason I would love to see your history vids covering old time hockey–from early NHL all the way through the 60s and 70s. I get that there is limited video footage but I bet the research you would shed light on would be phenomenal.

  4. with what little defence they have, the injuries have acerbated this……forwards need to play a tighter defensive game…quit sending the winger down the ice early…short passes, exit breaks

  5. the leafs might have really fumbled losing dubas. all the recent additions have just been wrong for this team

  6. Ron Maclean must say this. "It's like when a brave knight tries to save a princess locked in a dark castle guarded by a dragon. He tried to slay him, but he burst into flame. That's all I have to say about what happened last Wednesday night against Ottawa."

  7. Keefe is too soft on the stars… but Im honestly not sure that there's a tough coach out there that the stars will play for…

    Now they just want their money and some individual records to get them into the Hall of Fame. Cups are just some extra jewelery thats not worth the effort apparently.

    You can never win with a soft core like that. 2 of the big 4 need to go to change that narrative.

  8. It was clear coming into the season Toronto had gotten worse defensively as a team. And unfortunately we're definitely feeling it as a fanbase. As soon as they lost schenn I knew their defense was going to be rough this season.

  9. Both TO and Edmonton have been and will continue to, try to win with one or two all stars. McDavid won't win shit. Matthews won't win shit.

  10. Don't worry ! … The Canucks are coming East starting tonight and will hand Ottawa, Toronto, and then Montreal their next losses…. I predict a sweep of all those teams….The Canucks are Very Good this year!

  11. Funny how many people are saying the Leafs are the Oilers of the East division and it's 100% accurate. As the video points out, they have bad defense and bad goaltending that's occasionally bailed out by their massive amount of offensive talent.

  12. Just subscribed. Your analysis and breakdowns are top-notch; way above the average hockey YT channel, and on par or better than a lot of TV analysts.

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