Les joueurs de hockey sur glace se sont montrés « obstinés » quant au port d’une protection cervicale. Cela pourrait être sur le point de changer | CNN
Les joueurs de hockey sur glace se sont montrés « obstinés » quant au port d’une protection cervicale. Cela pourrait être sur le point de changer | CNN
Oshie of course has an opinion on it because he owns his own clothing company that sells neck protection (and it’s sold out). Of course he would never say “you don’t need neck protection”. That like McDonald’s saying their food is unhealthy
includes quotes from Oshie
Oshie of course has an opinion on it because he owns his own clothing company that sells neck protection (and it’s sold out). Of course he would never say “you don’t need neck protection”. That like McDonald’s saying their food is unhealthy