@Kraken de Seattle

Numéro ou pas de numéro

Numéro ou pas de numéro



  1. hippidyhopsguy

    I like the 10. I think it makes it clear that it’s Matty Bunny Ears lol

    Are you making these into a sticker?!

  2. RileyHef

    It either needs the 10 or a triangular nose so sharp it could cut through steel for me to recognize Matty.

  3. ScarySuggestions

    This is adorable!! I like the one with the 10 best!

  4. craftymamanicolej

    I vote Number for Matty BunnyEars

  5. theotacat

    I love it so far! With the 10 is good~ I hope you let us know when you sell this as a sticker~

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