@Penguins de Pittsburgh

J’ai parcouru 4321 miles depuis ma ville natale de Gdańsk en Pologne jusqu’à Pittsburgh pour enfin voir mes pingouins vivre. C’est un vrai sentiment

Je suis un supporter fidèle depuis 2017. Je me réveillais au milieu de la nuit et j’essayais de contenir mon excitation pendant les buts, afin de ne pas réveiller ma famille. Cela a été un voyage très difficile et coûteux, mais voir PPG Arena et les Penguins en personne valait chaque centime. Si nous battons les Sabres ce soir, je pense que je vais pleurer. LGP!



  1. Pizza_Steve_6229

    Congrats on going to your first game. Bring home a winner. LGP!!!

  2. WesternDark4390

    Enjoy and welcome to the burgh 👍🏻

  3. JoeNoble1973

    Amazing! Enjoy the Burgh and the game, thanks for coming! LET’S GO PENS

  4. _bingo_bronson

    that’s awesome. have a super fun time!

  5. _dommazz_

    Congratulations! I hope your first game goes great friends! Let’s Go Pens!!!

  6. Euphoric__Dot

    You look like a super hero, enjoy the game !!

  7. YES! I hope the arena is rocking tonight! Welcome to the Burgh, honorary Yinzer 🖤💛🐧

  8. Hope the city treats you right! Enjoy your stay!

  9. michaelgia1225

    Congrats! Get a Jake Shake in the stadium on the 100 level! Butgatory on the 200 level is solid as well.

  10. -kashmir-

    Thats an awesome pilgrimage! Enjoy the game!

  11. Sleepysapper1

    God, LGP!!

    Hope they get a W for you.

  12. jaconkin423

    Enjoy the game and your Visit to the States and the Burgh.

  13. highandinarabbithole

    Hell yeah man! Have fun! Let’s go pens!

  14. SDMF8766

    Wow. Welcome to PGH. Hopefully we win tonight.

  15. drapermovies

    Enjoy the game! I’ve always wanted to go but my family never really had the money to travel from the U.K.

    Let’s go pens!

  16. evil_iceburgh

    Congrats on seeing a Malkin highlight reel goal

  17. LosManosFuertes


    Witaj w Pittsburghu, przyjacielu!

    This was from google translate so apologies for butchering it!

  18. Try some pierogis while you are in town. Pittsburgh loves them. Probably not as good as home though.

  19. Congrats and I hope one day I can do the same as you for see the Penguins playing

  20. HotDamn18V

    Glad you’re here and glad it was such a good game for you.

  21. Dry_Abbreviations680

    You’re not leaving my friend! Dzięki bracie!

  22. Now you can’t leave. You must be our good luck charm! Stay here and go to every game!

  23. illuminatedcake

    Gotta take a pic with the awesome Mario statue! Have fun.

  24. DrunkMage

    From another penguin fan all the way over in Argentina, hope you enjoyed the game buddy!


  25. You brought the Win with you as well.

    Have you considered moving to Pittsburgh?

  26. Driveformer

    Since they win with you here, you now have to go to every game!!!

  27. judge_roughneck

    Definitely helps when they kick ass like tonight. Cheers.

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