@Avalanche du Colorado

Bednar [understandably] pas content de la défaite de ce soir contre les Bleus

Il a beaucoup à dire dans l’interview d’après-match.



  1. peptoabysmal

    Great presser from Bedsy. His comments were scathing. Almost makes me want to suffer through watching the 3rd period again to pick out the exact plays he was talking about – especially the « tic-tac-toeing » at the blueline when down 5-1.

    He all but calls every star on the team out by name. I think the only thing keeping him from naming guys is that every player failed to do their job tonight.

    Biggest thing I draw from his comments is that the leaders, or the expected-to-be-leaders, on the team are not even leading by example.

  2. ryankhuyton

    I thought this presser was great. I just wish he’d show more emotion during games when the team needs it. He doesn’t need to go all Mike Keenan on the guys, but calling a timeout to let the players know that their play is unacceptable might actually help the team at least try to salvage a win or at least a point.

  3. godfadda006

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this upset in a presser, not even his first season here. Hope this wakes the boys up. Unacceptable.

  4. scott5280

    I agree. That’s the worst game I’ve seen the avs play in a very long time. Idk what has to change but to put that effort into a home game is very upsetting. I couldn’t imagine being at the game tonight. I would have been booing by the end.

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