@Ligue nationale de hockey

Joshua aplatit Kampf, puis combat Giordano

Joshua aplatit Kampf, puis combat Giordano



  1. National-Matter5783

    Good for Gio, showing his leafs team what having heart means, would love to see him win a cup

  2. Mammoth_Peak_4940

    The man is like 40, he must be a unit in the gym.

  3. Interesting-Race-919

    Another hard clean hit … another fight. Why does a player that throws the hit have to fight every time. Hitting is part of the game

  4. Certain-War-6146

    Gio throws hands like he’s not a day over 30. Beauty with a big heart

  5. AssInspectorGadget

    What is this every hit ends in a fight shit

  6. DrunkDru

    I wasn’t sure before… but now I’m sure he can give the leafs one more year

  7. Joshua is a big man…and younger. Amazing reaction and fight by Giordano…tough as nails! Wow!

  8. Major-Invite97

    Got his ass handed to him by Giordano***

  9. 902crewman

    Well that’s embarrassing. You got beat by a guy who’s older and smaller than you.

  10. Strict_Bid5536

    I especially like the way Joshua waved off the ref , only to take another solid three punch to the face .

  11. Alextryingforgrate

    Where was this heart when Marchand took out Liligreen? Sounds like Keefe needed to do some yelling. 2 strong hits now the buds care about their team mates?

  12. Crazy_Canuck_8888

    Lol. All of a sudden the Leafs think they can fight. Lol

  13. rocketmn69

    It’s about time they started showing up as a team

  14. Joshua regretted telling the linesman to let them continue the fight

  15. Unfunky-UAP

    Great hit and a solid flight too. Becoming truly rare today.

    Most fights are just 10 seconds of wrestling for leverage and 2-3 wild punches as they fall. This was a full fledged FIGHT.

  16. How Robertson (who wasn’t even participating) got an instigation on this, I have no idea.

  17. Riztrain

    « fights », « gets his ass beat by », potato potato

  18. sokocanuck

    Was that Joshua’s first fight in the show? He got HANDLED

  19. AdministrativeMind86

    got FUCKED UP by a 40 year old how embarrassing. Go leafs

  20. SvendTheViking

    lol Gio won that fight 10’times over.
    Guys 40 hahahahaha

  21. MurkrowsRevenge

    Reaves on the bench: Yeah, watch out tough guy. Just wait for me to get out there and I’ll teach you a lesson.

  22. JimboD84

    Joshua was clearly unaware of “old man stregnth”

  23. Less_Astronaut5781

    Having to answer the call for a clean hit is pathetic.

  24. Catssonova

    Believe it or not, his younger brother is an even harder hitting rambunctious psycho. Might be a touch more talented too but he just graduated college last year

  25. woodmanalejandro

    for a big man he can’t fight for shit

  26. mmm_croissants123

    Isnt that supposed to be reavo’s job? Or domi?

  27. Cheeseypotatoes86

    « Fights? » or « repeatedly takes several punches to the face? »

  28. hunglikeafireant

    *gets punched by Giordano*. Fixed it for you.

  29. TorturedFanClub

    The old guy is pretty fucken strong. Good job Gio!

  30. I hate that you can’t hit anybody anymore without having to fight.

  31. Old_Beyond3256

    Joshua couldn’t shake off Giordano’s jersey grab on his right arm. Completely neutralized the counter right punch. Joshua took some nasty shots because of it. Refs needed to step in there because Joshua is vulnerable even if he wanted to continue. Giordano knows what he’s doing, pulling the right sleeve downwards with his left hand grip.

  32. Garettbaker007

    That’s my boy!!! Man miss him on the flames

  33. thaboodah

    Good for Gio, but why was it the oldest man in the NHL that had to step up for his teammate? Where’s all the « snot » that Brad talked about bringing in this year?

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