@Panthers de la Floride

Sujet d’après-match : Blackhawks de Chicago contre Panthers de Floride – 12 novembre 2023

2023020222 FLA gagne, 3 – 4.

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  1. XxDRebelxX

    Big win today… we needed to keep the momentum, so happy Bennet is back but holy God dude tone down the penalties… ERod just does not give up on pucks and im here for it… 🦏🔥🫶

  2. FormulaFan69

    Great effort from the boys…..However, we need to figure out our goalie situation. I have zero faith in either goalie.

  3. hackmylifehappy

    Cardiac Cats indeed. I: love them 😭

  4. the_sylince

    The Chicago Blackdards can take their L back home

  5. Bedard is an insane cherrypicker. Completely invisible unless he has the puck 1 on 1 because he’s got a nice shot.

    Another former Blackhawks player just accused the team of rape so they’ll probably win another draft lottery soon to give Bedard some help.

  6. FLA-Hoosier

    Damn, how long did it take us last year to get a 4 game win streak?

  7. That_Holiday4758

    love duke and his speed but erod is a much better fit now that we are a more forchecking rather than all rush team

  8. AlvinItchyCock

    When we win the special teams battle we are a very difficult team to beat. Couldn’t imagine a better start than this with our injuries. Great chance here to get to 10-4-1 with San Jose coming up on Tuesday. LA seems to have our number so that one will be very difficult

  9. MadIrishMan17

    Sooo how much is the cap going up next season? 😅

    Reinhart is playing out of his goddamn mind.

  10. two_doors__Down

    That was an immensely entertaining game! Love the boys play and I’ll tell ya what man… Bedard looks GOOD. Real deal. Good W. Would love to see Bob tighten up a bit

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