@Ligue nationale de hockey

Kulikov supprime Bédard

Kulikov supprime Bédard



  1. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    Pussy players decided to start chopping at him with their sticks for throwing a clean hit at their pretty boy that the league gave them

  2. dubble_chyn

    I love hockey but this is the shit I can’t defend. Goons forcing players to fight for landing a clean hit has no place in the game, and I say the same thing when a Bruins player does it. I’ll stand by that if later in the season Poitras gets leveled by a clean shoulder check and Looch comes over and makes the guy answer.

  3. Edm_vanhalen1981

    For me the key to this play was his teammates standing up for him. That says something really good about Chicago. They have a good coach and team this year.

  4. Dustymanitoban

    Counted at least 3 penalties on Chicago

  5. BegrudgingSupport

    Hooking and roughing calls on Chicago?

  6. MapleSyrupKintsugi

    Silly of Bedard to try to spin off that hit. Made it worse

  7. Ill_Connection_8029

    This is almost exactly like Crosby vs the flyers in his rookie season

  8. ARussianSheep

    Love how Tkachuk goes and tries to start shit with Bedard as he’s getting up too. That dude is a roach.

  9. Lherkinz_Gherkinz

    Foligno went full McSorley.

    “You looked at him funny!” Punchpunchpunch

  10. PinHeadDrebin

    So he still gets hooked for a basic check? Gtfo it. Sick of the shitty scrums that happen because of a normal check

  11. thesizzleisreal

    Only got into hockey the past couple of seasons and this is why I love it. Check the rookie stud with a clean hit then his teammate immediately goes to fight in his defense. Hockey is awesome

  12. Good to see Foligno jump right in with Reese Johnson ready to go too.

    Even if it’s clean, you can’t let players do to Bedard what they did to Crosby.

  13. ASillyGoos3

    Foligno is literally the best dude, I’m so happy he’s attached to Bedard to finish his career. Can’t wait to have him back in Columbus after he retires.

  14. sametrical

    I don’t have any issue with any of this. Clean hit, but it’s a young star, so you have to stick up for him.

  15. Usual_Patient_7201

    How the fuck is it Kilikovs fault that during the hit Bedard turns himself into the boards ? That was a clean hit all day long.

  16. Aromatic-Air3917

    McDavid never had that kind of protection from the Oilers. Good job Chicago

  17. turbulentcounselor

    Not a dirty hit but I like to see his teammates stand up for him

  18. Pure_Cantaloupe6872

    Anyone that is whining about scrums from clean hits has never actually played hockey at a high level. Those clean hard hits eventually wear down your star player. Teams fall apart when players feel no one has their back.

  19. canadachris44

    These new generation players really, really love to « spin » away from hits to lessen the impact. Fuck, its hockey.. take the fucking hit! Of course, one of his teammates would/should stick up for him after but good, welcome to the big leagues Bedard.

    I imagine we will see more of this as time goes on. He will adjust but he will have to figure out the hard way

  20. HandBananan

    Johnson 52 grabbing the ref’s head wtf?

  21. PoliteIndecency

    You know the instigator penalty? That’s the penalty introduced into the league to stop people from starting fights after hits.

    Do you know when it was introduced?


    Let that sink in a little bit. Most of the players in the NHL today were born after that penalty was introduced.

    The « new NHL », give me a break.

  22. WayneCampbel

    Checked the box score to see what was penalized. Glad Foligno got the hook and a rough for trying to keep punching a dude on his knees.

    #52 Chicago casually put the Linesman in a headlock, lol. I’m sure it was just instinct, but man that was dumb lol

  23. surlystraggler

    No problem with the hit, no problem with the response. That’s your baby boy, gotta protect him. Instances like this will help him learn better body position when expecting a check. Must have hurt bouncing his chin off the glass then the corner of the boards, though.

  24. eexxiitt

    Wasn’t even stapled into the boards, just a little push that bedard happened to turn into at the same time.

  25. ice_nyne

    17 coulda lit up the dude with a good hit but went for the lame hook? Fight fire with fire, baby!

  26. Interesting_Fly_9701

    If you harm even a hair on his head !

  27. Clean hit. But he’s the young superstar so his team is gonna stick up for him, and I love that.

  28. aLobsterFest

    Where’s John Scott when you need him?

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