@Sharks de San José

Cela n’a vraiment pas bien vieilli..

Les Oilers d’Edmonton pourraient très bien être sur le point de congédier l’entraîneur-chef Jay Woodcroft. Du moins si le journaliste des Oilers, Mark Spector, avait réussi. Après une autre défaite décevante contre les Sharks de San Jose, Spector a visé Woodcroft, appelant à son licenciement si les Oilers veulent sauver cette saison. Avec Jay toujours là aujourd’hui avant le match du Seattle Kraken de ce soir, Woodcroft s’est assuré de renvoyer sa bonne quantité de coups à Spector avec un gazouillis hilarant. J’en parle dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #edmontonoilers


  1. Lol Spector was dead on right, hope all the Oilers fans talking down on him got the news already 😂😂😂

  2. Crazy how fast you can go from being a respected coach to getting fired all in a 10 game span. Wont be his last gig in the NHL. From what ive seen players and fans like him. Holland just has his hands tied and is throwing a hail mary to a new coach to save the season.

  3. Mark Spector is a tool this guy hates everyone and always asks stupid questions.

  4. Sports journalists are the most self-important, yet non-essential, members of our "work" force. Unlike the actual news which gives us information about things we're not able to witness ourselves, these idiots report on games we all WATCHED. Their job is totally redundant, so they just fling mud around trying to tarnish players reputations. They all jerk each other off thinking they're doing Bob Woodward quality journalism when at the end of the day, they're reporting on grown ass men chasing an object around. And not to mention, almost none of them actually even played the game the report on. Such low-life scumbag people

  5. Firing Woodcroft was probably not the answer, but that ends up being the response when you can't fire the roster.

  6. How many coaches do the Oilers need to go through before they figure out that the players are the problem.

  7. This team was a recipe for disaster , last year. They over relied on the #1 powerplay all time never regressing, they suck at playing any level of team defense and their goalies are both backups, at best. This was a car crash waiting to happen.

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