@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers viennent de commettre une grave erreur

Les Oilers d’Edmonton viennent de licencier un entraîneur très efficace et, à mon avis, la situation a empiré. Nous parlerons de tout cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui


  1. This was one of the stupidest decisions I have ever seen. Woodcroft was a great coach, and was finally getting this team some desperately needed playoff wins which other coaches just could not do for us. So angry about it honestly.

  2. time will tell if old Mcdavid coach gonna work, i think better do now changes than its too late its only 15 of 82 games played yet right? I´m surprised how bad Oilers doing this year, the Canucks lose 8-2 was big alert at that time

  3. This puts the spotlight on the GM and the players. In order to score a difference making goaltender Edmonton will have to give up at least one star. I doubt if Nuge qualifies. So get ready to see Leon and Connor broken up.

  4. Dictionary
    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    Learn to pronounce
    noun: goaltender; plural noun: goaltenders
    a player in hockey whose special role is to stop the puck from entering the goal.

    Maybe I could be the GM.

  5. give me a break. who the heck is Woodcroft and why does he matter… Ken Holland who had the best record in hockey for what 20 yrs in Detroit is now washed up and sucks as a GM. Live an learn Oilers….. Yes Jack Campbell didnt work out. that said the summer he signs you we're all going crazy Edmonton signed the top UFA goalie as Jack had come off a very good yr with the Leafs… So be upset with your applauding Holland for making the signing and make sure you throw yourself under the bus with him. Just be happy a coin flip so to say moved you from 3rd to last which gave you 97

  6. Last year they over came their lack of D by out scoring the op. This year the new D strategy was too big a hurtle to out score. Pair that with below avg goaltending and our big guns not firing on all cylinders and we have our current sit. There is enough blame to pass around. Holland made his bed by over paying players (Nurse obviously), or just picking the wrong ones. i.e. Jack Campbell. Pair that with not being able to get a bit greasier when trying to make splashes, especially this summer. Woody made mistakes, last year in the playoffs with goaltending choices and not running all 4 lines properly. Going nuclear too often and too early and not pushing proper collapse zone structures. Not calling timeout in games that were going the wrong way, and little pieces like that.

    We have enough time to get back on track, the players will either step up or not. Only time will tell if this truly is a cup contender.

  7. Blaming the coach for historically bad goaltending is pathetic. I feel bad for Woodcroft, didn't deserve this.

  8. Hmmmm, the Oilers keep Foegele because McDavid said they had to now they hire his Junior coach? Kinda makes you wonder who is running this team.

  9. Desperation. At the press conference Holland mentioned he tried to talk to the other teams. Looking at the fact that the Oilers now need to win nine or ten straight to get back to .500 at the time of the decision, followed by something like a .750+ point ratio to have a decent position in the playoffs, pure desperation. Ouch.

  10. As an oilers fan you saw this coming but it’s not the right move. Woodcroft didn’t the problem management is. Get over yourself Ken and leave

  11. All off-season, I had Oiler fans chirping me about how great they were going to be this year, and I kept saying – your goaltending is suspect. Am I brilliant? Nope, this was obvious to everyone not drinking the blue and orange koolaid, including their GM. Wrong guy got fired.

  12. Holland is the reason the Oilers suck. And to some degree still Chiarelli I guess, but Holland has definitely had the job long enough that those failures became his failures for not addressing them.

  13. Dave Tippet 28-18-3 and fired, now Woodcroft is 3-9-1 and fired and people are upset. Woodcroft was a good fire in my opinion, give the puck to McDavid and Driesettle shouldnt be the game plan of the team. No, there he is, just give him the puck, its McDavid and you are McDavid. Just follow him, don't you play your game, just support him. I told you, you saw him skating, he wanted the puck, you give it to him, he wants that 200 points. Yawn, why am I on the ice. He's not a good coach, he lived off bringing in Kane and a coaching change, those two elements alone Holland said can change a season around, a winning season to boot. And I agree, thats why they do coaching changes half way through the season so the high doesn't burn out. Just some ole guy thoughts…
    Eichel won a cup first, so who is more successful at this point, I'd have to say Eichel and that don't make me happy. Truth sucks…

  14. Poor defense. Not even Hasek in his prime could have saved the team that leaves the goalie alone. Two offensive superman do not defend and when they do not score the result is obvious.

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