@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers vont-ils renverser la situation ? -SurDrive | Partie 1 | 10 novembre 2023

Bryan Hayes, Jamie McLennan et Dave Feschuk discutent de Scottie Scheffler jouant au pickleball, de la défaite des Oilers face aux Sharks, des Maple Leafs en difficulté alors qu’ils se préparent pour les Flames, de John Klingberg qui ne joue pas en raison d’une blessure et plus encore. Ils sont également rejoints par l’animateur du podcast Got Yer Back et ancien joueur de la LNH Jason Strudwick pour discuter de l’ambiance à Edmonton avec les Oilers en difficulté et perdant face à la dernière place, les Sharks de San Jose, que peuvent-ils faire pour renverser la situation, Connor McDavid n’est pas si McDavid- comme le début de la saison et souffre-t-il toujours de sa blessure plus tôt dans la saison et plus encore. Ils discutent également de la présence de Jason Kelce sur le stand pour le match Panthers-Bears jeudi soir.


  1. lol Hayes, the pickleball antagonist… i drove through socal and there are pickleball courts full everywhere!

  2. Unless there is a roster shake up this team is not strong enough to come back. Even if Davo and Drai become god like.

  3. They are after a goaltender (?). and they need defence and for the other prima donnas to play both sides of the ice ….

  4. Nothing like Toronto guys complaining about any games that don't start at 7pm lol. Call the waaabulence boys

  5. Connor McDavid is a generational talent, too good of a player to be down for too long
    It's too bad for Oilers this is his last contract year. If things keep going down south, he may think twice

  6. 9:28
    "I can't remember what the total shots were, I think it was like 32 to 15."

    "I'm pretty sure, I wanna say their fourth goal was on their twelfth shot. I believe it was.
    And that would have been the Petterson one-timer, I believe."

    "Edmonton dominated that game, it was an outdoor game, I think they won 5-2."

    I think. I believe. I think. I think. Can't remember.
    How about actually knowing the facts and the stats beforehand, researching, and not thinking, guessing and believing. It seriously gives off an amateurish vibe, it certainly don't sound professional.

  7. Still strongest offensive team in the nhl. Only 7 points out of a playoff spot and 70 games left in the season. If anyone thinks the oilers won’t make the playoffs you’re smoking crack.

  8. Of course not. This team is done. Not only has the GM done nothing to improve the team (unless you call signing a 38 old player – Sam Gagner and Connor Brown), he has given out huge contracts (Campbell that now sits in Bakersfield) so he is cap strapped and he has no youth coming along to replace fast aging players like RNH, Kane and Hyman. No. This team is done. Like the Flames, the Oilers will have start all over.

  9. No matter what, no matter who no matter how… somehow it always relates back to the Leafs 😅😅😅

  10. This guy can't be serious that he thinks he could make 7 of 10 FT's in front of 20,000 people. No shot

  11. The Oilers (likely at a minimum) will need 95 points to eek out (at best) the no. 2 wild card spot. They currently have 5 points with 70 games remaining. Doing the math, the Oilers must accumulate points at a 0.643 rate, which is just slightly lower than their rate for all of last year when they finished 2nd just barely behind Vegas. Needless to say, the Oilers have to turn things around and quickly if they are to have any hope of making the playoffs.

  12. could everyone just have figured out that Edmonton is just the Conner and Leon show, and you just need to shut those guys down and then the frustration sits in for the oilers

  13. Gents… You asked for it, and I am here to deliver.

    Motivated by your chat last year on the Turkey Hair Transplants… I set it up and will be getting it done! It will be next month. Fully filmed and available on my channel @travelwithcarter in a few months. I'd love to come on post surgery and have a chat about it and maybe inspire a few others to take a trip, Please get at me and I will make myself available!

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