@Predators de Nashville

Preds égalise la série avec l’aide de Rinne lors d’une victoire 4-1

Quatre Predators différents ont marqué et Pekka Rinne a été solide devant le filet avec 23 arrêts, aidant Nashville à égaliser la série à 2 avec une victoire de 4-1 lors du quatrième match.


  1. preds are a team always ….pittts a few stars…you can't win a war with hotshots…preds

  2. as a brotha i support subban and the preds, subban played 25 minutes sache of the 2 last games!

  3. I'm not a Preds fan but admit Nashville has the best fans in country! Win 2 more, Go Preds!!

  4. come on Nash. I dont want to see poppers penguins be back to back champs.

  5. I don't care how much people like basketball, soccer, football, etc., NHL is easily the best league

  6. Good Job Pk Subban and the Predators long life to Preds and please win this STANLEY CUP for me!

  7. I'm not a fan of either team, but I want the Predators to take the cup. Time for a new team to get it. Pens have enough.

  8. 日本では、近頃アイスホッケーのTV中継等で見る機会が非常に少なくなりました。残念です。こうしてNHLを見るにつけ、非常に迫力があり面白いです。

  9. The energy is insane! I can feel the atmosphere through my screen! I'm getting chills lol

  10. the Russians are blame for pittsburgh loses. nah just Crosby and malkin are begi,g to suck. go preds

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