@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quelqu’un de Long Island peut-il expliquer cela ?

Quelqu’un de Long Island peut-il expliquer cela ?



  1. GroundbreakingCow775

    Its like Napa Valley but for Bagels

  2. clonicle

    It’d be like a kid from Ottowa getting a touk sponsorship. Others have them but this one is theirs.

    It’s be like a kid from Boston getting a Dunkin sponsorship. Others have them but this one is theirs.

    It’d be like a kid from Toronto winning a cup. Others have them. How long ago did you move?

  3. Kappokaako02

    by someone do you mean jew? Jews like bagels…..

    source: AM JEW…….

  4. 666osculumobscenum

    Best bagels in the country are on Long Island. Jewish people love bagels. Bam.

  5. Reasonable-Nebula882

    You know how the northeast is the king of pizza? Same thing. We have the bagel market cornered. It’s the water.

  6. Bagel enthusiast Adam Fox rumours to Montreal heating up

  7. digitang

    People from New York think that everything from New York is better. Especially the bagels. Special water yada yada…

  8. SpiritualAd4733

    What do bagels and being a Jew have to do with anything??

  9. lead_farmer_mfer

    Several of my co-workers are long islanders, they’re always bragging about their bagels.

  10. fred_flag

    Because bagels are fucking delicious and I would gladly endorse a bagel companies if it mean I get free bagels…

  11. ImDoingAllRight

    Was on LI this morning and grabbed a bacon egg & cheese on a poppy (added a hash brown, of course).

    No premade egg/bacon nonsense (looking at you Dunkin/Hortons). So good. So. Damn. Good.

  12. Rjskill3ts21

    Jewish people like bagels. Being Irish and from Long Island, I know and respect this.

  13. NYTX1987

    Locksley and bhegel, what a winning combination!

  14. lostmyusernameAGA1N

    I recently went to NY. absoloutly LOVE brooklyn bagels

  15. youres0lastsummer

    From an NJ raised Jew with Brooklyn parents….this would definitely be a dream come true

  16. JerbearCuddles

    I didn’t realize being Jewish and liking bagels was a thing. But I guess it’s cause I am neither from Long Island, nor Jewish. Bagels are nice though.

  17. Clydefrog0371

    There’s something in the water there that makes them taste different when they’re cooked.

    At least according to turtle on entourage..

  18. highporkroller

    Best part about the bagels from NJ? The water that makes them great plus PORK ROLL!

  19. Man wtf, and here I am supposed to dislike Adam Fox 🙁

  20. NY/NJ/Lower NY state is the mecca for bagel lovers.

  21. DontFearTheMQ9

    My GF is from Long Beach, Long Island and every time she goes home to visit (we are in the Midwest now) she bring back two big containers of BAGELS and WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THEM.

    Like, I do not understand.

  22. the_late_wizard

    Imagine being from LI and signing woth the Rangers.

  23. Philly514

    Jews in Montreal make the best bagels. Jews in NY make the second-best bagels. He’s Jewish and would enjoy starting up a bagel company that will outlast his NHL career.

  24. tiggertom66

    NYC and Long Island have the best bagels, they’re a big part of the culture here. Bacon Egg and Cheese are the gold standard breakfast here.

    The Jewish population especially, love their bagels. Delis were brought to America by German-Jewish immigrants.

    Adam Fox is Jewish, and is from the suburbs just outside NYC. Hence, a big bagel guy. Could probably spread the schmear with that glass cutter chin of his

  25. Mephisto1822

    I am from Long Island and honestly never knew that so many people didn’t know about the “Jewish people love bagels” trope.

    Also obligatory Fuck the Rangers

  26. tsM-regarded

    NY and NJ folks have a weird and over bearing obsession with bagels, and telling people about it.

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