@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le visage de Guhle frappé par un patin

Le visage de Guhle frappé par un patin



  1. neverleavehouse

    Arrest him

    Edit: It’s unbelievable that I need to put the /s

  2. Yikes, hope he’s okay.
    I know it doesn’t look as good but man I’m glad I wear a cage now.

  3. eburton555

    If only there was some sort of cage that players could wear over their faces to protect them

  4. Business_Region_2762

    That can be what happens when you trip another player with your leg.

  5. GimmickyBulb

    Kneeing itself is also dangerous. Guhle approaches the offensive player with his left knee extended to impede him. Hence the dangerous flip while falling.

  6. manhaterxxx

    Where’s the “manslaughter” crew now?

  7. RangersGoalieFanClub

    No more skates, everyone plays in socks from tomorrow on!


  8. WaffleStone

    legs don’t move like that!!!! Throw him in jail immediately!!!!!!!!

  9. Wrath_Of_Aguirre

    Mandated visors paying off in a big way on this play. There will be a day when we will say the same about the neck guards.

  10. TheRealEnemabagJones

    We are passed 2018 but I think it’s time for RollerBall !!!

  11. Dramatic_Whoosh

    See something once, see something all the time.

  12. duagLH2zf97V

    That’s attempted manslaughter in the UK

  13. Arrest him just like petgrave. see how stupid that sounds?

  14. hotdogswithbeer

    I don’t understand how every level of hockey leading up the nhl wears cages but once you’re out of college its like yeah take the gear that protects your face off. No other sport is like that.

  15. seymourbuttz214

    It’s sad to see people quick to sarcastically say arrest that man, Adam J’s situation player who cuts him, his leg goes up a very unique and hardly ever seen before in a situation like that ever in hockey, the player clearly wanted to intend to bring the skate up and hit Adam maybe to stop him, I don’t think he intentionally wanted to kill Adam, but harm was intended. Watch the clip more than once, although I wouldn’t be surprised to see many on here that were quick to comment manslaughter haven’t actually watched the real footage and not just one like actually find the footage from another angle as well, the guy brings his skate up very high at an angle that doesn’t really make sense.

    In this video here you can tell this is an accident. Thankfully Guhle had a visor on

  16. Crimson3312

    Is it just me or has there been an excessive amount of these this year?

  17. hmack1998

    Just make them wear cages/fishbowls. But the NHLPA is going to whine like a bunch of babies about it

  18. DabsDoctor

    He clearly kicked him. Kung-fu style. Arrest him. /s

  19. Wingedwolverine03

    Someone better arrest that man for attempted manslaughter.

  20. this_name_not_that

    There better be an arrest made 🙄

  21. BCLetsRide69


  22. AccountantAlarmed982


  23. CrunkestTuna

    stars d man shot the shit out of a coyote tonight.

    95mph puck to the face

    Nobody fucked around they skated him directly to the tunnel

    Just an accident.

  24. Far-Two8659

    Jesus this comment section shows how little people know about what manslaughter actually is and how shitty Reddit can be.

    For the record, if someone dies and there is ANY intent to harm, *it literally cannot be manslaughter.* Manslaughter in most jurisdictions *specifically* requires the complete lack of intent to harm someone. It **requires** death to be accidental.

    Also, there is *no such thing as attempted manslaughter.*

    But go ahead and downvote and make jokes. A man died from a tragic accident. An accident that absolutely could be manslaughter. And y’all would rather sit here and « own » people rather than just being god damn thankful this guy didn’t fucking die too.

  25. slafyousilly

    First his brother, now him. Their poor parents

  26. dioxy186

    Would Kevlar around the necks be a bad idea? I think it’s relatively light weight, so I don’t know if that would restrict a lot of movement.

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