@Capitals de Washington

McIlrath abandonne Kolesar après avoir touché Rondbjerg

Saison 2023 – 2024 Vegas Golden Knights vs Washington Capitals 14/11/2023 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. Come on, I’ve seen better fights at a sixth grade dance. Why even drop the gloves. They had to go to the penalty box to fix their make up.

  2. what the hell is the commentator on about, Kolesar was in no way looking to make McIlrath "answer". Just make up the narrative i guess.

  3. POW…………right in the kisser, Kolesar turtled like a little girl……….

  4. Wouldn’t say he dropped Kolesar he just chose to take a knee tapping out. Boy Mcilrath had a burr under the saddle on that shift.

  5. Kolesar took it bad, but he’s always got his teams back no matter what.

  6. Crapitals gooning it up and crying for penalties all game, then again VGK didn't have an ounce of puckluck whatsoever all night.

    Seems like another normal night of shenanigans in DC

  7. You get tired watching players have to answer for clean hits. Why not drop the gloves with a guy who scored on you.

  8. Didn't the league recently make it clear they weren't tolerating hits like this without making a play for the puck?

  9. Good on McIlrath to check on Kolesar when they’re in the box. He wanted to make sure Kolesar is all right after taking that blow.

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