@Sabres de Buffalo

Bruins @ Sabres 11/14 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants étendus des Bruins de Boston aux Sabres de Buffalo


  1. OMG…the Sabres’ announcing crew are horrible!
    I’m from Boston, but I have lived in Southern California for many years.
    I’ve always tried to be very objective about all NHL announcing crews.
    That said, in my humble opinion, the Buffalo Sabres’ announcing crew are horrible.

  2. What that Power are doing there in NHL? Send him to Europe he have no hockey IQ

  3. is it just me or does levi already playing a good amount this year feel kind of rushed? like why is this kid already in the NHL? I understand they want to give him some time but why play him against one of if not the best team in ur DIV? why not play him against the bad teams like CHI SJS ARZ? give him a handful of games to give him confidence and let him grow as a player in the AHL

  4. The Sabres need to sign Kane, the only thing missing from them becoming a contender is another defensive liability.

  5. The Bruins fast start to this season helps me to forget about football this year, and probably next year, and the year after that.

  6. As a sabres fan, I didnt expect he would be the savior they annointed him to be but this loss isnt on him either. Sloppy transitional defense. was every goal an odd man rush? sure felt like it. Sure hope theyre not killing his confidence with this kinda defense in front of him.

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