@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Bemstrom en dérogation

Bemstrom en dérogation



  1. Steamu90

    He will be claimed by someone. But that is fine, had no trade value

  2. JunesDepartmentStore

    I’ll never forget his natural hat trick to come back down 3-0 against Nashville in the Covid year

  3. They are literally visiting the children’s hospital rn and he’s with them ☠️😭

  4. This can only mean KJ is getting called up, which makes me very happy.

    We gave Bemstrom every chance and he just couldn’t adjust to NA ice.

  5. willingplankton

    Either KJ is coming back or they’ve got another deal in the works. Could also be for Tarasov.

  6. Steamu90

    Would be hilarious if this was because Jarmo is signing Kane for 5×5

  7. AlanLGuy

    Interested to see who he’s making room for. Tarasov, or is KJ coming back(I assume it’s Tarasov, because it seemed like sending KJ down was for more of a long term strength and conditioning thing)

    I don’t think he’ll be claimed… but I also didn’t think anyone was gonna claim Foudy… so who knows

  8. SaveTore

    I’d be willing to bet he gets picked up and he’ll be a good third liner on a competent team

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