@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Don Cherry sur l’erreur de Nick Ritchie et de Toronto en 2014

Cela a vieilli terriblement pour Don



  1. CMDRShepardN7

    Look at Willy now. 204 pounds of muscle steel, and sex appeal.

  2. Has Nylander ever hit someone over the head with their own helmet in a fight?

    I rest my case.

  3. Big_Albatross_3050

    So glad the Leafs made the *reach* pick and chose 88 over a guy named Ritchie

  4. CrankyLeafsFan

    « Okay now Donald, show the class your new jacket! »

  5. JuicemaN16

    TV personality whose job is to talk and have an opinion on all things hockey, is wrong about something occasionally!!?? No fucking way!

  6. No_Inside2101

    I’m a 29 year old woman so I’ve watched Willy grow on the leafs over the years. I’ve noticed his tree trunk legs in the past but the other night when he was being interviewed after the game and he only had a towel on and had his bare chest out. 👀 I’m like that guy CAN GET IT 😂 I’ve never felt this way about Willy before (was always Matthews) but man. Just had to write this down somewhere because I can’t shake it. Nylander is sexy as fuck.

  7. Warpedpubes

    This was when Don was on his “How come the leafs don’t draft Canadians/Ontario boys?” speeches.
    Thank god we had Mark Hunter when Babcock wanted to take Hanafin instead of Marner.

  8. witwar101

    This is very misleading. You can easily find 10 examples of every « expert » making horrible predictions.

    Cherry was dead wrong about nylander, but for years he criticized the leafs for not drafting enough tough north American talent and on that note I think he was right more often than wrong.

    And finally, leafs nation always threw Willy’s name out there in trade proposals for YEARS. very few predicted the level that nylander would reach at this point and you all know it

  9. Bobbyoot47

    It’s funny how people like to defend Cherry and his take on hockey. The game passed him by so many years ago. If anybody thinks I’m wrong then just take a look at Cherry and how the Mississauga Ice Dogs fared under Cherry as owner their first four years in the OHL. They were year after year the worst franchise in the league. Even in junior hockey expansion teams are usually good by their third year. The first four years in the OHL the Ice Dogs won 27 games out of 272 played. Five coaches in the first three years before Cherry himself jumped behind the bench. It was a real shit show. Missing the boat on Nylander versus Ritchie was just par for the course for Cherry.

  10. sluck131

    « No star will ever come to Toronto »

    Note that the next year, Tavares finished 3rd in Hart voting.

  11. Go the fuck to bed old man. Cherry’s opinions are so archaic it’s unbelievable, glad he’s off the TV.

  12. Crustovski

    Excluding Nylander’s season where he joined the team after the trade deadline and played 22 games:

    Nick Ritchie’s best season was 31 points in 60 games.

    Nylander’s worst season was 27 points in 54 games.

  13. There were only 3 types of « segments » that Cherry did that I actually enjoyed and kind of miss.

    1. Safety equipment. He would berate pros for exposed wrists and other safety equipment stuff all the time, he would then show actual pros using it right and have some on set, and would tell the kids to use it and not try to « look cool ». I appreciated that.

    2. Whenever he called out for people or players or fans who had passed or were fighting cancer etc. always seemed actually heart felt.

    3. When he called out the little non flashy things guys did like blocking lanes or winning battles or checking their shoulders for passes. Not many analysts spend time on that stuff anymore, it’s just about the goals or crazy passes which I get, but it was good for the kids to see fundementals called out and succeed at the NHL level.

    The rest of his takes, and thoughts on the game were very dated and not great. Would have probably been better if his segment evolved into some sort of safety PSA but good luck keeping him on topic.

  14. Deluxechin

    Name a better duo then the old folk and shitting on Nylander as a rookie, Kypero’s had the same shitty take, I also love the “the last noteworthy guy the Leafs have drafted in the first round is Wendal Clark” which is funny to think this broadcast would’ve been after the Leafs had drafted Morgan Rielly and right before Mitch Marner and Auston Matthews

  15. DarkAgeMonks

    Holy fuck. Did Nylander’s agent pull a PR stunt and get this video everywhere? This is the 20th time I’ve seen this since yesterday.

  16. Well Nylander certainly didn’t turn out to be Kopitar, Maclean you bum.

  17. Morganvegas

    Sent him back to Sweden to save his LIFE 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Ok-Award6132

    Not gonna lie, I was pissed when the leafs drafted Nylander instead of Ritchie. I had Pete’s season tickets and watched him develop and he was a beast out there. Looking back now thank god for Nylander, Ritchie was a man among boys, and his size difference didn’t translate to the NHL.

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