@Oilers d'Edmonton

Bob Stauffer des Oilers d’Edmonton

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  1. Woody should not have been let go.They won 4 -0 and maybe things were about to turn to the positive.

  2. IF they win SJ game and follow it with the W in Seattle…. Woody is still in there…. SJ was the must NOT lose game. The team blew it big time.. If the bottom 6 cant score ~.which they can't… they better hit/check the lights out and they are not doing that with any regularity.

  3. I guess I have a question….why have players not wanted to play for the Edmonton Oilers? (brutal location?, toxic internal culture, woke prime minister?)

  4. This window is slammed shut! The 97, 29 Era is not going to win a cup. Katz is a meddling owner that continually hires the wrong people. He now has two moles for coach's, Coffee & Glen G. Knoblauch is crazy to slide into that rat's nest of informants. Just watch this shit storm blow up in Darryl's face, again.

  5. McDavid Sandwich

    One slice of Jeff Jackson & another slice of Kris Knoblauch, filled with loads of Holland-aise flavoured baloney.

    Chase it with a little Paul Coffee & a Dustin Schwartz, to go…

  6. How come none of you talk about the collective work of Dustin Schwartz in EDM?

  7. If the "Knob" fails as head coach in Edmonton, there is aways McWhiner's old Phys Ed teacher. Connor also speaks highly of his Pilates instructor.

  8. @ 23:31 Bob….Boston uses an NHS-Adjusted-Hybrid System. The Oilers are trying and have been for over 10 years to learn how to build manage and execute and NHS-Adjusted-Hybrid System. Zone defense means nothing in this NewAge System nor does Box+1 nor does MvsM because those are ONLY zone focuses….they are not Systems in any way shape or form. Woodcraft and lots of others are trying to blend their old traditional concepts and verbiage into a cutting edge NewAge Philosophy and System. Oil and water do not mix Bob. Single zone tactical management which has falsely been named a System is ancient and slow and unweilding and so far behind the curve as to be worthless. All 3 zones must have their own specific tactical management focuses and they must all always meld perfectly together and that my Friend is what a SYSTEM IS and it is the Coaches job to manage said System. SO Bob for future reference to keep yourself on top of the game why not try keeping it correct huh, A System is the co-ordinated actions in realtime of 3 seperate zone focuses represented by 3 different tactical drivers which are all managed together seamlessly in realtime. Bob if you do not understand the Philosophy which birthed the System first you cannot begin to add or subtract or build or tear down…your Oilers thought they could ignore everything important and just disenfranchise the Philosophy then use the advanced Tactical management and other aspects as they in the past used traditional focuses. Teams like Boston and others have endorsed the Philosophy and then learned how to adapt and build and their own. Right now there are multiple different variants of the NHS-Adjusted-Hybrid being used with great winning results across the NHL and there are also many sub-variants of the older Adjusted-Hybrid that Teams are also using to produce winning results. Bob Systems are very complicated and the new cutting edge one that everyone is copying now is 5x more complicated if you refuse to learn the Philosophy before you put on the boots. In a nutshell Bob the NHS-Adjusted-Hybrid is THREE TRADITIONAL CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS ALL COMBINED AND MANAGED TOGETHER. So simple math says if you arent using the NHS-Adjusted-Hybrid you will need 3x as many Traditional Conventional Coaches to even have a fighting chance of keeping up. Really it is unrealistic to consider running 3 seperate Coaching crews to fight off an NHS-Adjusted-Hybrid its easier to just roll over and give up the 2 points or the Series or the Season. Evolve or go extinct. P.S Bob what do you think of the Bruins getting slamdanced in the 1st Round after winning the Presidents Trophy …fluke? or a message. Think about it Bob.

  9. Vandy you might want to watch the games or something. How can your take be Campbell didn't get a fair shake? The guy literally sewered the season last year, if it wasn't for Skinner picking up the ball and being a Calder finalist. He is 880% save percentage in 40 starts. We keep him in last year, we don't make the playoffs. This year, we started him in the opener in Van and he got yanked and hasn't complete garbage since. Skinner hasn't been great either, but he's a a sophomore goalie who carried the load last year into the playoffs. Sure he wasn't good enough, but at least there was something to build off of. Look at Campbell in the minors, he's a complete disaster and he'll probably never play as starter on a good team again.

  10. I used to listen to Bob on Oilers Now when he had the 12 o'clock show. I was wondering if Mark was Defenseman Mark that used call in when Bob would open up the lines for Questions.

  11. Connor and Leon are not good leaders. They can’t be fired so the Oilers jettison the coach every year.

  12. Just want to say this was an awesome podcast….really enjoyed it…been listening to Bob since day 1….to me…he is a legend as far as Oiler media goes…very informative…thanks

  13. Who cares looks good on them. Outshoot san jose 2 to 1 ,lose the game and it is the Coaches fault. Wrong!

  14. I loved woody but he lost the oilers last year in the playoffs and he never regained them back…the players won’t admit it but we all could see it!…woody will have a job sooner rather then later and I wish him well!

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