@Devils du New Jersey

Comment Mickey Mouse a tourmenté une équipe de hockey…

Avant, les Devils du New Jersey étaient géniaux, ils étaient les pires ! Un soir, après avoir battu les Oilers de Wayne Gretzky et perdu 13-4, Gretzky a déclaré aux médias que l’organisation des Devils «ruinait la ligue» et qu’ils étaient une organisation «Mickey Mouse». Les fans des Devils ont pris ces mots à cœur et se sont moqués de Gretzky la prochaine fois qu’il jouait contre les Devils. Pourtant, les Devils finiront par se venger de leur passé de « Mickey Mouse », en battant l’équipe qui appartenait à la Walt Disney Company, les « Mighty Ducks », en 2003. Suivez-moi : https://twitter.com/earboyq https://www.instagram.com/earboysport/ https://www.tiktok.com/@earboysport #sports #hockey #shorts


  1. Say what you want, dude, those who remember that Stanley Cup will never forget a dirty son-of-a-hun in a knock-out check (meant to kill a light weight?)? In any case, the fellow came back out in the third period and brought the Ducks back for the win. Ya, the scouts/rockies/devils won that series, but soon, their reign would end. The only good thing I add for N.J. is that the goaltending coach holds a special place in my heart as he was of the three first year goalies for the L.A. Kings back in 1967…God bless you, Jacques Caron!

  2. also beat the Oilers next game right after he said that and dont think Mickey Did anything or Gretzky – if you need a team to mock, look at the rangers, worse franchise in NHL History

  3. Gretzky cursed himself after that comment, his career went down after that, needing icing calls to get off the ice

  4. Nah they caused a career to end sooner then it should have. The man the myth the legend paul kariya should have never went out like that

  5. A red and green jersey for a team called the Devils is just atrocious.

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