@Islanders de New York

S’il vous plaît, ne faites pas ça…

Dans cette vidéo, j’explique pourquoi l’ancien capitaine des Canucks de Vancouver, Bo Horvat, ne mérite pas d’être hué ce soir au Rogers Arena. Je parle du tristement célèbre « hit » de Mike Matheson sur Elias Pettersson d’il y a quelques années (n’oubliez jamais). Je donne également mon pronostic pour le match de ce soir contre les Islanders de New York. Merci d’avoir regardé. C’est coupe ET buste bébé ! – Connard


  1. I'm with Lm0712. He should get a standing ovation. That whole stupidity about what he said- all he said was, "a lot better than Vancouver"- meaning, the Islanders were competing for a playoff spot, where Vancouver at the time was most definitely not. Idiots.

  2. Agreed. Bo's time in Vancouver was during the tough times when an idiotic GM who shall not be named really screwed over the team. Bo did the best he could in a bad situation & still played his heart out. Case in point that 2019-2020 run where Bo put the team on his back against the defending Stanley Cup champs in St. Louis during the bubble era, where there were no fans to cheer on that performance….so lets cheer for him this time around. Though after the puck drops by all means boo him.

  3. Entirely a media brought on concept. Like everything media is destroying the world. Way to make our fans sound bad when it wasn't even a thought.

  4. There’s no real reason to boo Bo Horvat unless you’re hellbent on making sure the rest of the NHL community continues to think of us Canucks fans as savage lunatics 😭

  5. I believe that he slagged Vancouver’s media, specifically the Internet media, and the fair-weather fan base, which don’t know hockey & aren’t worthy of being called Canuck fans. That aside; he’s the last guy I would’ve traded, yet, made himself unsignable by his incredible play. We could still use him, today, for his face-off skills. He deserved better, however, that’s the way things work in the NHL. Best of luck to him & I sincerely hope we destroy the Islanders!

  6. lowkey gotta appreciate that he raised his value so that we could get more value for the trade

  7. Cant believe people are conflicted whether or not to boo or cheer. This guy gave his heart and soul to a team during some of their worst recent years, while they were being managed by circus clown. Dontboobo

  8. He was my first jersey and completely understood his comments. Will always love Bo, he was not only pure class on the ice but he was incredible for the community of Van.

  9. I don't know there was ever a reason to Boo him. He wanted to stay….the Canucks were the ones' that wanted to trade him ! As for his interview statement….I think he was praising the Islanders welcome of him , more than trying to Dis Vancouver…..! Give him an Ovation…. he was our Captain !

  10. 1. First off, Booing isn’t hate. Boo as loud as you want, Canucks fans. He publicly trashed you. He played worthy of captaincy only one year, a contract year. His conduct deserves fierce booing. When the game is over, politely clap him off the ice, but make his ice time pure hell. Players and fans.
    2. Secondly, I applaud Islanders fans for letting Tavares know how they felt. That’s what being a fan is about. This isn’t a competition for how the sports media or other fan bases perceive us. We are here 💯 for our team, and only our team. When you leave, you get treated like the enemy. Because you are.
    3. Off the ice, when not being a player, treat him decently and respectfully. That’s how you show class. Not by letting your worry about being made to look bad control you. If you want to cheer, cheer. If I was there, I’d boo him relentlessly until the final horn. Because that’s what a fully committed fan does IMO.

  11. Canucks fans need to have more self respect, Bo absolutely deserve to get Booed for what he did to Vancouver. We gave him everything, made him captain, showered him with praise, and offered him a lucrative contract, but he refused to even negotiate. The Canucks are immediately demonstrating how much he held them back, and he had the nerve to call his current situation better than what we gave him. Naw, this dude sucks.

  12. I wonder who Bo Horvat is?!🤔Oh yeah the guy who disrespected the Canucks and their fanbase anybody who wants to Boooo Horvat has every right.

  13. Tavares deserved the booing. He told the islanders he was gonna stay, then he left💀

  14. I'm currently in Rogers rn

    At the game tonight. I am booing him. I will cheer him during the welcome back. But I am booing him when he has the puck. We boo'd Kesler for less. And the fans still like him out side of hockey.

  15. Bo was our boy for too long to boo him. He deserves the respect of a here to honour his time with us. thank you for making this video! Nucks will win 4-1 tonight! GO NUCKS GO!!

  16. Okay so he said some things but he was here for 9 years and was nothing but professional. Just give him a few good claps and move on.

  17. Really? It’s pretty fucking hypocritical for Isles fans to cry boo hoo considering how much abuse John Tavares has taken going back to Long Island, a guy who has so much class, was a great Captain for them, and who never had said a bad word or bashed the Islanders, their fans, his teammates, the owners, the city, nothing.

    Canucks fans have every right to Boo the fuck out of Booo Horvat and boo all those inbred Islanders fans as well in the process! Fuck them all! As a Leafs fan, finally something Canucks fans and Leafs fans can agree on! That and Tavares has so much more class than Boooo Horvat!

    Let’s practice folks:

    Boooooooo Horvat! Lol

  18. One good thing to come out of his comments was that they precipitated several weeks of Canucks fans telling each other things for free, which I thought was very funny.

  19. You’re seriously emerging as one of the best team centered hockey channels out there. I love your content. Keep it up my man you’re a rockstar

  20. Was at the game, he was boo’d almost every time he touched the puck but luckily cheered in his tribute. There was even a “Horvat sucks” chant towards the end of the game

  21. Was at the game today, I cheered bo 3 or 4 times, I booed him once when he scored on us. Felt like the right balance to me

  22. We had one round of boos but next break they played a thank you Horvat promo and the standing ovation lasted till play started

  23. Has your mic always been this crisp?

    Sounds great dude keep it up.

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