@Oilers d'Edmonton

Des entraîneurs de la LNH expulsés

Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. Red Wings goalies with Vaughn pads is a cursed combination… Jimmy Howard with his career (especially later in his career), and Ned when he was up in the show last

  2. Lalonde got jobbed, not only because he was correct but also because he barely did anything compared to the other examples in this clip where the HC really showed up the refs.

  3. The officiating in the NHL is terrible and will continue to become worse, as the commissioner continues to pull up fast tracked former pro players straight into officiating. It’s just wrong and it’s showing.

  4. That anaheim call… I got the feeling the ref was feeding off the crowd and thought "fuck ya, this is my time, I'm king big dick right now…"

  5. There’s no excuse for behaving that way. When they get out of hand like that it should be a game misconduct. When their own players, assistant coaches, and trainers are cringing, covering their faces in embarrassment, or glaring at them to “Shut the heck up” it’s obviously bad. They are highly paid professionals and should act like it. Blowing up and cussing at or threatening the officials serves no purpose; it actually does a lot of harm. It is “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”, it’s often a delay of game or at least a distraction, and a terrible example to everyone, especially kids in the audience or at home. Then their team has to work exponentially harder to make up for their mistakes. It’s akin to players being sore losers by throwing a tantrum and busting their sticks; they supposed to be and can do so much better.

  6. These compilation are my favorite.

    I’d also like to see:
    1. Penalties for Unsportsmanlike Conduct (Part 5)
    2. Recent Match Penalties

  7. Who is the announcer at 10:20? Finally someone who sees what we see and calls it like it is with great review description.

  8. File to your players to make sure you take him out sometime during the game “accidentally”

  9. I don't even like the Ducks, but there's no way that's goalie interference

  10. Hahaha I remember on one of Don Cherry’s Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em videos (can’t remember exactly which one) where Pat Burns was absolutely pissed at the ref and was cussing like a sailor and Grapes said “Don’t read lips now!” and I just laughed my ass off. RIP Pat Burns, you were an absolute legend of an NHL coach, I’m so happy you won a Stanley Cup with New Jersey but I wish you could have won one with the Leafs. #ForeverInOurHearts #RestInPeacePat

  11. I feel like i need to acknowledge the 7-1 game where the shots are 54-24 for the losing side… Thats good goaltending right there.

  12. Honestly, i could defintely read lalonde's lips. He said, "what the bleep was going on", "what the bleep".

  13. I hate the ducks (Both teams actually)but their coach was completely in the right to be pissed at that

  14. A coach taking a penalty because of his team losing is soft as hell. Same thing in baseball with crying about balls and strikes down 10 runs every single game

  15. I know it’s a bit more elaborate for players when they get the game, but the referees need a more consistent hand signal for ejections from the bench

  16. Officiating in the NHL is just abysmal. The NHL should be embarrassed. Now they're calling penalties on coaches. Last week they disallowed a goal for the Rangers that was CLEARLY over the goal line. Took them 5+ minutes to review it. They were obviously looking for an excuse to disallow the goal, and they found one.

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