@Sabres de Buffalo

Sujet d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo contre Jets de Winnipeg – 17 novembre 2023

2023020252 BUF perd, 2 – 3 .

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  1. PrinciplesRK

    At least they remembered how to play hockey in the 3rd period. That call on Benson was so weak.

  2. baseball772499

    I feel like I am watching reruns of last year but somehow worse. Make it stop.

  3. Rockhardwood

    What a terrible call at the end. Like why does the NHL insit on ruining games with a shit call at the very end? Was a fun game before that lol.

  4. YoungTroubadour

    If we could play a full 60 like the third period that’d be great.

    77-37-9 is a fun line.

    This horse has been well and truly beaten but VO is an absolute non-contributor at best

    Edit: also I can’t with some of these passes Jeff is throwing around blindly to no one, it’s like he’s looking for the Ghost of Jack Eichel

  5. garbage refs to basically end the game. common theme at this point.

  6. just-casual

    Can’t win games playing well for one period

  7. jimmy_beans

    Much better game than I expected. That could have easily been a W

  8. DetectiveDerek

    Put krebs with real forwards and he’s a different player. Who wouldve thought.

  9. Think we set our expectations a bit high for this season. I’m definitely not worried about our long-term potential or ability to become a contender with our current crop of youth, but this season might end up being another development write-off.

  10. slightlyuglyboss

    I love Okie, but he should not be anywhere near the Power Play

  11. Joe77771

    Boys really turned it up in the third, hopefully they can keep that momentum rolling despite the loss

  12. RecommendationOk4148

    We’re about to lose 5 of 7 games. At least they tried hard for 1 period though.

  13. adolce95

    The last 30 minutes they were awesome. Deserved a win there for sure. Just keep doing that please!

  14. beeeeepppp

    It looks like we finally learned how to pass, but no one knows how to receive. First touches were all over the place all game. Glad they had some fight in the third but overall not great

  15. BabyBottoms23

    This season was a big test for Granato. Could he build these guys into a playoff team? He’s getting a failing grade so far.

  16. GuybrushThreepwood94

    God fucking damnit dude. I can’t believe the winner was that fucking weak shot from the point. And I’m glad they seemed to find another gear in the third, but where the hell is that team at the beginning of every game? They need to be ready to play.

  17. Son_Of_The_Empire

    If we played every game like we played the third period we’d be like 15-2

  18. Character-Food2616

    At least they showed some effort late. Thank god Tuch is back so we have somebody other than Dahlin with some heart. If Granato was really about building a culture Skinner and Power would be benched next game.

  19. MrCoolGuy1924

    Power the 8 million dollar man screening his own goaltender then not stopping the floater from getting to the net

  20. the_missing_worker

    Comrie-nism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Three goals on 18 shots, good god.

  21. xBialyOrzel

    Good 3rd period but it never should have gotten there with how the game was going. 21, 28, 71, and 6 gotta get swapped out

  22. Sabres8127

    Hated that call on Benson, really weak by the refs, especially since he was jumped by the whole team for it. Good push for the Sabres in the third, got to stop letting the other teams score first. I think Benson should stay just based on tonight’s performance.

  23. BronusSwagner

    This season is just fucking depressing. Feels like 2017, just a complete and total collapse in the face of expectations, but this is somehow worse.

    The most demoralizing thing? There’s no easy scapegoat this year. Goaltending, coaching, GM, everything is just…slightly below average, but no glaring weakess to fix. The sum of their parts just is bad. And now we’re locked into this core for 8 years. I don’t know guys. I’m looking for any silver lining and I’m just not seeing it.

  24. tetracrux

    I remember that team from the last few minutes of the 2nd period and most of the 3rd period from last year. Maybe they can show up a bit earlier next game?

  25. Math_NotEvenOnce

    Power needs to find another gear…the nonchalant style he plays makes him very easy to play against both offensively and defensively . I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt still, but he’s getting dominated out there.

  26. Spillsy68

    Once again, no physicality. The the 18 year old got ganged up on and no one stepped on. Pussies

  27. Donny left a strong message to the team during the intermission and that’s why we got the 3rd period we did.

    Let’s hope the players take it to heart this time.

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