@Stars de Dallas

La franchise – « Le Kid » Wyatt Johnston

De son parcours dans la LNH à son impact sur les Stars lors de sa première saison, Wyatt Johnston a eu un parcours assez mémorable et unique dans le hockey. Alors qu’il poursuit sa deuxième saison, la quête pour atteindre un seul objectif se poursuit : remporter la Coupe Stanley.


  1. i did not cry, i bawled! he’s such an amazing player and the nhl doesn’t realize that.

  2. That "oh my" from Razor could be cut over so much of what Johnston does and it could make absolute sense.

    I nickname him The Fiend, not only after wrestler Bray Wyatt (RIP), but because he what he can do for the Stars can be considered supernatural.

    I am almost certain he will be a bright, BRIGHT Star, and it will be a privilege to watch him evolve.

  3. Buddy is leading the team in goals and has 13 points so far. I would say his sophomore season is off to a great start!

  4. God, I hope he's with us for the long haul. The way he absorbs info and constantly improves his game is amazing.

  5. Played high school hockey at Lawrence Park in Toronto with Wyatt. Not only an incredible hockey player but an incredible person. It's been inspiring watching his journey.

  6. he rules so hard. just such a blast of a player to watch and root for. so exciting. endlessly likeable.

  7. If we don't sign this kid to an 8 year contract after his ELC is up I will picket outside Frisco. As of the posting of this comment, Wyatt leads the team in goals with 7 and he's 20 years old.


  8. This youngster is what a hero to young kids should be. He is respectful, caring & learns all he can from another wonderful human. Thank you PAVS & Wyatt for being what's good in the world today!! GOOOOO STARS 💚

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