@Flames de Calgary

Andrew Mangiapane Greffe de cheveux (Pour un ami)

Mon ami souhaite savoir où Andrew Mangiapane s’est fait coiffer. Peut-être la Turquie ? Les cheveux de mon ami se sont éclaircis assez rapidement. Donc, si quelqu’un pouvait obtenir des informations pour mon ami (peut-être un journaliste) sur l’endroit où il va, ce serait formidable. je transmets l’info à mon ami



  1. Mediocre_guyonline

    Can I also get some information for a friend?😅

  2. TheSlobghetti

    I heard some people go to Thailand as well. Might be worth looking into.

    I have no info on Mangiapane’s hair transplant though.

  3. MisfitFlame

    Larry David would be disappointed. Suck it up, shave it and own it!

  4. Vegamyster

    Is it a transplant or did he just get a hair cut without slicking it back and get it sprayed on to hide it better? The hair on top is noticeably more red than on the sides and in the before photo.

  5. Blingbat

    I really hope with a 17M contract he isn’t going to turkey for his hair implants. Haha you know you can go local right?

    The main problem with transplanting hair from other parts of your head is that they aren’t androgen sensitive so they won’t thin over time.

    The big focus for you and your friend are preventative methods, and non invasive regenerative techniques to keep what you have for as along as possible.

    Then depending on your end goal you can get additional supplemental surgical techniques.

    Avoid prescriptions – have never heard good things about them.

  6. RoutineComplaint4711

    Whatever it was, he looks great.

  7. Beginning_Bit6185

    Who’s the ginger that donated his hair to him?

  8. projectbarium

    You gotta shop where he shops.

    Country hills toyoda.

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