@Ducks d'Anaheim

La LNH vient de baiser les Ducks

Les Ducks d’Anaheim se sont fait avoir par la LNH. Après que Silfverberg ait semblé marquer le but égalisateur de la troisième période pour les Ducks d’Anaheim lors du match d’hier soir contre les Panthers de la Floride, toute l’arène ainsi que la plupart des fans de hockey qui regardaient pensaient que Silfverberg avait égalisé. Mais après un long examen, la LNH est revenue avec son appel – aucun but. Je le décompose et en parle dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #floridapanthers #anaheimducks


  1. That was 100% a goal. It fully went through the line. But who cares right? Refs cant even call proper shit in this game 😑😑😑

  2. That was most certainly a goal. The NHL is in complete disarray. NHL upper mngt. is corrupt. Us Habs fans know this all to well.

  3. Based on all of the available/provided information, I believe this was a good goal.
    I also believe it may be possible a technology exists that decisions are confidently, if only partially based on.
    A technology that is NOT available for the fans to consider.

    Does such a science exist, and is actually used for purposes like this one? Fuck no😅

  4. Kings fan and I still say that was clearly a goal sadly the NHL officiating is becoming a joke!!!

  5. You know what this is? Karma.. lacombe makes a rookie play and knees barkov taking him out of the game. That’s what happens. Gudas only worked on the panthers, not on the Anaheim Mickey Mouse Fucks, who have mid level talent at best and are still a league wide bottom feeder at worst

  6. For all you morons saying “Easy good goal” it’s the same situation as Morgan Reilly No Goal in game 5 (also vs panthers 😏) Steve freaking Dangle the Leafs mascot even said himself “Do I think the puck crossed the line. Yes. Can I prove it? No. Therefore the right call is no goal.” Not sure why everyone is missing that, just because it LOOKS like it’s in doesn’t mean it was. There has to be conclusive evidence that it crossed, and a speck of white that’s most likely the top of the net is not at all conclusive evidence to overturn.

  7. No doubt it was a goal, so maybe someone in Toronto needs glasses.

    As far as a system that prevents this:

    Some years ago (recently, though. I was involved in a piece of this project at work) someone got the bright idea to put a chip in a puck. We actually DO have chips in pucks, but the NHL is using that to collect player stats (the players also wear chips, so when chip in puck and player come together, we know who has the puck, how fast they're skating, time of possession, etc) , but not track the location of a puck.

    The problem with using a chip and a GPS-like system to discern the LOCATION and ORIENTATION of a puck is a much more difficult problem to solve.

    It is also much more expensive and involves (some) modification to the arenas to handle the necessary infrastructure, unless someone has come up with a better system (not that I'm aware of). In addition, it is very difficult to get the sort of precision needed with a GPS-like system; current (commercially-available, off the shelf) tech is not capable of tracking an object that small accurately over a distance of inches or millimeters.

  8. If the review had a 3/5 min time limit and then the call stands. Adds a level freedom to the game the feels like the refs make calls in the moment still, but bigger mistakes can be overturned by a quick review.

  9. IMO, this is a lot more important than people realize. That call cost them the game, and a potential point or two in the standings. Right now, they're in the second wildcard spot and if they can keep this pace up they could genuinely attempt a playoff push. With how tight wildcard races can get, those key 1-2 points in the standings might cost the Ducks a playoff appearance. This kind of shit CANNOT HAPPEN.

  10. Definitely a goal. Just like the leafs “no goal” against Tampa in the playoffs last year where the puck was clearly across the line but they called no goal.

  11. Pretty clear it was a goal. How in the world did they get that wrong? And of course I'd be willing to bet zero comment from the league

  12. The refs aren't to blame for this one. It's squarely on the NHL video review. The NHL needs to implement the goal line technology that soccer has. It's so much better than what the NHL uses. No blurry cameras, no human element.

  13. I hate quacks, but that was a goal. Cost them a point or two. There is no excuse for that to happen.

  14. Weather this is a goal or not is moot. The question that was not asked is; was the ref in the process of calling the play dead or not. If you look at the replay it looked like he was, and Toronto currently has no guild line in place in over turning that. All that the ref has to say is he had the intent to call the play and the video review is now moot. This happened to Calgary a few weeks ago where the puck clearly crossed the line but the ref said he had intent to call the play before the puck crossed.

  15. Unless some weird magic geometry stuff is happening there like with previous calls like this, absolutely looks like a goal.

  16. The NHL doesn't consider Anaheim a hockey city. These calls are based off league profits. Just like the draft.

  17. Paul Maurice has a lot more influence in the league than Greg Cronin. If you don't think that matters in these types of 50/50 calls you're living in a fantasy world.

  18. Cats fan here. This was a goal, clearly crossed the line before the play was called dead. And the knee to Barkov was not intentional. This should have gone to OT, where Panthers would have wrapped it 3-2.

  19. Only problem with your vid is, you left out ‘again’ at the end of your title… this is beginning to be a pattern this season against the Ducks by the NHL.

  20. As an Isles fan,I literally was blown away in how they called this a no goal. I was screaming into the television
    and woke the whole house up. Any true hockey fan sides with the Ducks. Screw the refs!!!!

  21. The NHL needs to reign this stuff in. The last couple contested goals definitely felt like favoritism.

  22. I watched it and it was clearly a goal, refs deciding game outcomes again really sucks, they ruin sports and their integrity.

  23. My solution from 10 years ago still stands today as the best that I've heard… you take 3 refs off the ice surface, leave 1 puck dropper on. He can even get off the ice after dropping the puck at the space between benches. Offsides and penalties are called from linesmen and refs placed at strategic locations around the rink. Give them all access to instant replay. You don't realize just how many times per game the refs interfere with the play. Also getting the calls right should be important and this is the best and most expedient solution. Also the side effect of keeping players honest on the ice in case someone loses his mind and goes berserk. And bring back the bench clearing brawl.

  24. Literally same shit in the ranger game last week, as a ranger fan I get the frustration ducks y’all got robbed on that ngl

  25. As a stars fan I’m very familiar with that chant it took us less than 2 periods into the season to start yelling at the refs in unison

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