@Islanders de New York

Votre résumé hebdomadaire des /r/newyorkislanders pour la semaine du 11 au 17 novembre

**Samedi 11 novembre – vendredi 17 novembre** ###Top vidéos | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 2 | [1 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17swb67/washington_capitals_new_york_islanders_intro/) | [Washington Capitals @ New York Islanders intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBqAypxHoOc)|   ###Commentaires sur le fil de discussion du jeu | note | commentaire | |–|–| | 96 | /u/AlCool44 a dit [For those keeping score at home, that is now nine games where Isles have given up three straight goals. Edit – Islanders are 0-6-3 in those games and had a blown lead in four of them.](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17wfs9r/pgt_isles_v_canucks/k9gv7id/?context=5) | | 75 | /u/GiantTeddyGraham a dit [Let Sparky coach, I don’t fucking care anymore](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17x8dfv/post_game_thread_new_york_islanders_seattle_kraken/k9ltu61/?context=5) | | 71 | /u/Gleb2006 a dit [Not sure I’ve ever given up on watching isles before thanksgiving but this season is pushing it](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17wfs9r/pgt_isles_v_canucks/k9gv69c/?context=5) | | 62 | /u/Islesfan11 a dit [How islanders is it to even blow leads in the shootout](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17x8dfv/post_game_thread_new_york_islanders_seattle_kraken/k9ltvym/?context=5) | | 55 | /u/USAJourneyman a dit [#THE NEW YORK FUCKING SUCK](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17uu60a/post_game_thread_new_york_islanders_edmonton/k965pyi/?context=5) | | 52 | /u/Ord8377 a dit [Hey Casey can I chant Fire Lambert yet. #FIRE LAMBERT](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17uu60a/post_game_thread_new_york_islanders_edmonton/k965r93/?context=5) | | 50 | /u/lazyblogger914 a dit [The ass fuckery coming from Vancouver is going to be fugly.](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17uu60a/post_game_thread_new_york_islanders_edmonton/k965v1e/?context=5) | | 47 | /u/toblerowsky a dit [“I think we did a lot of good things” Except win. I’ll tell you that for free.](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17wfs9r/pgt_isles_v_canucks/k9gvds9/?context=5) | | 46 | /u/edmchato a dit [It’s crazy…how can team can suck so hard at the shootout for so long. Only Horvat looked competent. Wally too I guess](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17x8dfv/post_game_thread_new_york_islanders_seattle_kraken/k9ltupm/?context=5) | | 45 | /u/Select1220 a dit [Fully aboard the fire Lambert train. Would love for the oilers to fire woodcroft and to immediately hire him](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17tb3lu/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_new_york/k8vpuc8/?context=5) |   ###Excellent | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 51 | [7 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17x8ika/our_goalies_must_be_feeling_so_betrayed_right_now/) | `[Certified DANK]` [Our goalies must be feeling so betrayed right now, just getting hung out to dry night after night](https://i.redd.it/tkhr0ijelu0c1.png)| | 50 | [8 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17wwu72/its_all_a_big_nothing/) | `[Certified DANK]` [It’s all a big nothing](https://i.redd.it/mg1g0e4xtr0c1.jpg)|   ###Messages restants | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 155 | [37 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17v2ky3/me_rn/) | [me rn](https://i.redd.it/47anpmmfib0c1.png)| | 132 | [17 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17tb2vw/only_option_at_this_point/) | [Only option at this point.](https://i.redd.it/3gcg1s0i1uzb1.jpg)| | 100 | [18 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17utcxj/shannon_from_the_top_rope/) | [Shannon from the top rope](https://i.redd.it/5z7j915uh80c1.jpg)| | 96 | [10 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17tz4ea/congrats_to_pierre_turgeon_for_making_the_hockey/) | [Congrats to Pierre Turgeon for making the Hockey Hall of Fame!](https://i.redd.it/7t8r1vbum00c1.png)| | 94 | [2 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17urtoo/every_single_time/) | [Every. single. time.](https://i.redd.it/ak6cqkrv380c1.png)| | 60 | [16 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17tdrr3/after_reading_caseys_comments/) | [After reading Casey’s comments](https://i.redd.it/krhwt9mivuzb1.jpg)| | 59 | [32 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17xhkra/does_anyone_else_find_it_pretty_humorous_that_the/) | Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre trouve assez humoristique que la saison où les îles obtiennent enfin un PP dans le top dix, leur PK chute au 31e rang de la ligue ? Ils ne peuvent tout simplement pas tout mettre en place en même temps. | 55 | [144 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17tcr4r/if_they_want_to_be_like_that_they_can_stay_home/) | [“If they want to be like that, they can stay home.” Angry Casey Cizikas sends message to #Isles fans chanting for Lane Lambert’s firing | @AGrossNewsday](https://www.newsday.com/sports/hockey/islanders/casey-cizikas-islanders-fans-lane-lambert-goanp3f3)| | 43 | [12 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17tyay5/isles_identity_line_10_year_anniversary/) | 10e anniversaire de la « Ligne d’identité » des Îles | | 40 | [16 comments](/r/NewYorkIslanders/comments/17utwkt/where_im_at_mentally/) | [Where I’m at mentally](https://i.redd.it/dcujunt5n80c1.jpg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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