@Canucks de Vancouver

Sujet d’après-match : Seattle Kraken vs Canucks de Vancouver – 18 novembre 2023

2023020265 VAN perd, 4 – 3 .

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  1. carry-on_replacement

    Can we just have the Petey line as third line and the fourth line with Hoglander in as 2nd?

    Also we need to learn to adapt. The other teams have adjusted to our style of play and the ball is in our court now. If we can’t respond, then our season is over. If we can, Tocc gets a Jack Adam.

    Also, I was too young for the Torts year. How’s this year comparing to that year so far?

  2. Horvat53

    The team is allowed to lose games and have games not look great. Despite the outcome, they were still able to come back to 4-3 and really utilize the last 10 seconds with two good plays.

  3. Whole_Chemical_1103

    Seen this many times with the Canucks, but I actually see a solid potential for them to come together this year.

    Hopefully it was just tough scheduling/travel this past week, maybe some rest and some sharks will get our mogo back.

  4. Overclocked11

    We’re definitely missing Soucy and Suter.. that much is obvious.

    Petey was more of a presence tonight, but we’re seeing teams now adapting and stifling our movement in all zones.. less time and space on the powerplay, and not giving up shooting lanes.

    Couple mistakes led to goals against – props to Seattle for making us pay.

    Not overly concerned. Just need to keep working at closing our gaps defensively and adapting our play and we’ll do just fine.
    Happy to see hog and kuzy on the ice tonight – Hog had a strong game.

  5. UraSnotball_

    Could we insist that the “war room” in Toronto take a course in basic spatial reasoning?

  6. Bout73Ninjas

    I really hope Bieksa is right, and this next stretch of the schedule is easier on them, cause this team really needs a reset.

    The things that made them so successful to this point have gone out the window. Defensive coverage is scrambly and disjointed, passes are going through easily, and the team is cheating constantly, trying to make breakouts happen without properly supporting the D and making sure that they have possession.

    On offence, puck movement is sloppy, and just way too many low-percentage plays, passes, and shots. The movement that made their offence so potent early on has been static.

    I get it, they’re tired and it’s noticeable, so hopefully this next stretch is a bit easier and lets them get their feet back under them. But we’ve see what this team is capable of now, and I definitely don’t want to see them be as sloppy as they’ve been the last few games.

  7. helixflush

    I still don’t understand how that one goal that trickled in counted… mostly because it was in demkos equipment for a couple seconds before he backed into the net and it trickled in. Why wasn’t it blown down when the ref lost sight of the puck?

  8. biff_jordan

    Canucks have never won a game when I’m in the arena! Been a fan since 03′.

  9. metrichustle

    A good reminder that we need to work hard for wins. Perhaps our hot start made some players overconfident or they are just tired, but they need to get back to the basics and outwork the other team.

  10. Ruilin96

    Watching after hours, Cole is definitely a very important acquisition. Very well spoken and demonstrated that he really brings that veteran presence in the locker room. Very glad we have a guy like him in the room.

  11. therealbeef

    Anybody watching after hours? The slow-mo of Cole losing his teeth is fuckin painful to watch. Owwwwwwww man. I like this guy.

  12. After hours with Scott oake « hey you used to have perfect teeth let’s talk about that ». Rude ass.

  13. VancityRenaults

    There’s a lot of speculation that the team looks tired because of the schedule. I think in addition to the scheduling there’s an even more important reason: outside of the Philly game, the team played a very high tempo, strong back checking style for the first dozen or so games which is difficult to sustain simply because of how much energy it takes out of you. There’s a good reason why many players don’t like to skate hard on every back check, since your legs will bear the brunt of it the next day.

    Tocchet needs to figure out how to adjust his system to be more sustainable, otherwise it’s going to be really tough for the boys going forward.

  14. stepharee

    Quinn sounded like he couldn’t wait to be done with that interview lol

  15. ForceEconomy9988

    How perfect is it that all the Canucks big 3 remain in lockstep tied for league lead in points?

    Do we all want Quinn to pull away with it so he wins the Art Ross as a defenceman?

  16. SnooOnions5029

    Just came back and checked the score. Wtf happened?

  17. CoastTimely6563

    We didn’t play well. But, we knew a bad-ish stretch would come at some point. I still believe this is a good, playoff level team.

  18. carry-on_replacement

    Yet another game where Hughes and Hronek are on for half the game. I’m not even sure how Tocc can fix this

  19. Broad_Nebula_9736

    It’s quite obvious we need more defensive help. Juulsen and Hirose aren’t guys that should be playing in the NHL this year. We desperately need another RHD, preferably one that can play on the 2nd pairing. Another depth LHD would help us tremendously as well. If we can’t get either of these, we’re going to have a real hard time in playoffs, especially if we have injuries.

  20. cbcguy84

    We were due for a regression at some point and we had to lose in regulation at home eventually.

    That said, I thought we were outskated and looked tired. Maybe it’s the schedule. Two back to backs in a week is killer.

    Hopefully we get back on track vs the sharks. The sharks will probably come out strong against us after the last game so it’s not an ironclad win either. Sigh…

  21. NikkahEff

    I see a lot of comments with tough scheduling and yes, it’s a lot of games in X amount of days but every team has these issues it’s not just the nucks so to give them an excuse is not acceptable in my opinion, both cgy and seattle games were winnable and yes calgary was prob a pass but this one is not, I thought the guys played poorly again and of course count on myers to blow a tire and end up costing us the GWG.

    If we lose to San jose this will just remind me of last years team.

    I also love how Tocchet isn’t delusional and doesn’t make shit excuses for this team, right man for the job!

  22. AmielJohn

    Not happy but glad Kuzmenko is all right. Can’t keep giving up leads like this. CGY and now SEA we have given up leads. The Canucks need to be tighter on the defence and less showy/tricky with their passes. I don’t mind that they skate and make room to pass but too many passes and not enough shots.

  23. shadownet97

    I had no idea losing Soucy would be mess up this team’s defense this badly????

    Holy fuck, aside from the Philly game, that was the most frustrating Canucks hockey I’ve watched all season.

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