@Ligue nationale de hockey

Match à domicile des Diables

Match à domicile des Diables



  1. RangersGoalieFanClub

    Devils turnout was tragic, only noticed the devils fans when they wanted a penalty, when they scored or the sarcastic “Igor” Chants.

    Every section the camera panned to during stoppages or during intermission was a much bigger mix than you’d want at your home game😂

  2. IsstvanIII

    NYC has almost as many people as the entire state of NJ and Newark is only 10 miles away. Thankfully this is all Rags fans can brag about. Poverty franchise 1 cup in the past 83 years and Devils shit on em last playoffs.

  3. SurreySingh

    Lookit the fuckin Rags in there. Sad sight.

  4. So let me guess the Rangers are relevant again cause that’s the only time this many New York fans show up to the same place

  5. DevChatt

    Holy crap the salty devils fans in this page.

  6. hardware1197

    Decent amount of Jersey fans showed up!

  7. Time-Dot5984

    What happened in the first round last year, Rags?

  8. RentBoy-Kef

    Shame we get priced out. & they’re too poor to go to their own home games.

  9. Damn so many sorry Devils fans in here. 2nd tier franchise.

  10. Grimmer026

    Ahhhh the sell out wanna be New Yorker fans that were born, raised, work, and still live in NJ.

  11. DougJudyTPB

    This has been the scene since the Devils became a franchise. Rangers fans outnumber Devils fans in NJ. So they go to The Rock when they play. And it’s a lot cheaper. Garden seat prices are unreasonable at times.

    It’s not easy to move into an area where a team already exists with a huge fanbase and expect to overtake it. The Nets had the same problem and didn’t help themselves by moving into NYC. The two fanbases can trade the run into the ground insults back and forth, but that’s just the truth.

  12. Sisyphus328

    Come back in the playoffs. We promise to bounce your asses again

  13. This is also what it’s like when Pittsburgh comes to Columbus. Maybe not quite this bad but jackets fans definitely feel like the minority.

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