@Flames de Calgary

Il est FURIEUX à ce sujet…

Faits saillants de la LNH 2023 – Hier soir, lors du match des Flames de Calgary contre les Canadiens de Montréal, il y a eu un jeu vers la fin qui a coûté beaucoup de temps aux Canadiens et un joueur a montré une frustration émotionnelle et incroyablement animée à ce sujet pendant le match et dans son interview d’après-match. Pour plus de couverture des faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui, des nouvelles et des rumeurs, des réactions aux meilleurs buts et des meilleurs jeux et récapitulatifs comme celui-ci, abonnez-vous ! Les Flames du Tricolore ont été serrées mais toujours très divertissantes et j’espère que nous verrons plus de matchs comme celui-là ce soir. Flames contre Canadiens NHL Hockey 2023 #hockey #nhl #highlights #nhlnews


  1. Best way to wrap up an evening watching hockey is with a johnny hawkey video. Salut de New Hampshire !

  2. Gallagher is right but gotta keep the emotions in check in mean your almost never gonna change a refs mind after they make a call

  3. At this point in the season, whenever a player falls down, the nearest opponent is penalized. We know, however, that in the playoffs none of these super-soft penalties will be called. In fact, in the playoffs, even the most glaring penalties will be ignored. I don't think this penalty paradox exists in any other team sport worldwide.


  5. Gallagher almost pulled off the perfect crime. It was very subtle, but I think he knew what he was doing. Lindholm was off balance a little and had no room to move, so Gallagher placed his stick behind Lindholm's knee just enough that make him fall. I think he was just mad that he didn't get away with it, because those things do get missed a lot of the time.

    I have no issue with his fiery spirit though.

  6. So, Kudos to the Flames for winning the game? After all, the Flames took a later penalty, and the managed to kill the game despite being down 6 on 4 for a full minute?
    They didn't want the game to go into OT, with a hyped up Canadiens team.

  7. Idk to me it looks alot like tripping. his left foot had already stoped moving before he fell, and its only once his right foot hits Gallaghers stick does he fall.

  8. Imma be honest, that was not a trip in anyway. He definitely trips over the net.

  9. Just because the pocket ref is closer doesn't mean he has a view of it. Whether or not the call is right or wrong if the ref in his mind was sure he has every right to call it

  10. For years the Habs got every call and break especially in the old Forum. This is Hockey Gods balancing shit out and they still got a long way to go. It’s good to see, lol.

  11. Ref needed binocs to see that from the center line, meanwhile the other ref 15 feet away didn't see shit

  12. And when is the NHL going to get rid of this stupid reviewable for offsides challenges?? Seriously it's ruining hockey right now. If the linesmen don't call it, then it shouldn't be challengeable. Period.

  13. Hockey referees…. Lol. Half of the high sticking calls the stick doesn't even make any type of contact and this is across the league…

  14. He complained about the ref's "mistake" at the NHL level. But his reaction to the call at the NHL level is the real mistake. "It's just a game." -Bryzgalov

  15. Love it, mad respect. Players need to start holding refs accountable more often for these peewee level calls.

  16. nhl is the worst officiated sport in the history of sports
    fans need to get together and call this out not say gallager was whining
    if you are a calgary fan dont you want to win fairly without help from the refs
    i guess the people referenced were just little kids and you didnt need to state what they said
    every time someone falls there is a tripping penalty even if they tripped on their own
    gary butthead wanted more goals and this is how he is making it happen
    meanwhile the integrity of the game is out the window and since no one is allowed to complain how do we know if games are fixed by officials or not
    and now players are diving all the time they have become actors they should add an best dive or diver of the year award
    the nhl is a poorly run league does anybody else see this

  17. Gallagher is a dive king! big baby needs to shut up! just a dirty little player.😊

  18. i feel it shouldn't have been called simply because there was no definitive look and it didn't effect the play too much

  19. He's furious because he's part of the Habs organization. Don't read anything more into it.

  20. Even as a boston fan that was a shitty call and I 100% agree with Gallagher

  21. I've now gotta watch two ads in order to see a two minute YouTube video. Screw this. Sorry Johnny. I'm out.

  22. Clearly Gallagher learned his lesson for the next game and made sure to play discipl… Oooops

    Send this bum to the AHL already

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