Lisez que Tampa s’intéresse à Patrick Kane. J’ai vu ça sur []( et [Missin Curfew]( . Comment cela fonctionnerait-il avec la situation actuelle du plafond salarial ? Je sais que Kane fête ses 35 ans aujourd’hui, son âge pourrait-il donner à JBB la marge de manœuvre pour le faire fonctionner en utilisant les $ de bonus ? Et comment Kane s’adapterait-il exactement ? Pas question que Kuch abandonne sa place au PP. Je suis également curieux de savoir ce que les gens pensent des compétences défensives de Kane, qui ont toujours semblé être un handicap.
Doesn’t really sound like he’s after money at this point. I’m sure we could get him at close to league minimum, maybe using signing bonus or performance bonuses. He’d probably be a middle six scoring threat and play on the second Powerplay unit. He’s coming off surgery and 35, so he probably wouldn’t be getting any kind of top minutes
I would be annoyed if we signed Kane. Our problem isn’t a lack of goal-scorers, it’s poor defense. Kane is not known for his strong defensive play. Also, we should be trying to make the roster younger, not bringing in an older player who’s past his prime.
Realistically I think the appeal of Tampa itself makes players gravitate to florida if they can. Idk much about Kane but could be worth it if he wants to come cheap. When is gourdes contract up? ha