@Blue Jackets de Columbus

[Scheig] Patrik Laine est un scratch en bonne santé à Philadelphie

[Scheig] Patrik Laine est un scratch en bonne santé à Philadelphie



  1. RadiantElk5352

    Laine needs to get back to his roots. Stop trying to make the extra pass. Shoot the puck.

  2. Laine is not the problem. Quit the micro managing and let the lines develop some chemistry. They all make mistakes, talk about it and let them work on it. Benching/scratching star players only hurts the rest of the team.

  3. Part of me wonders if this is an overreaction from a desperate, rookie coach. I mean, it’s not like everyone else on this squad is tearing it up. But since John Tortorella went through this with him as well, that makes me wonder if Vincent’s right on the money.

    Either way, I think it might be time to explore trading him. We’re not going anywhere with him, and at this point, he’s more of a complimentary player and less of a cornerstone guy. He’s not the right fit for a team that’s trying to figure out how to tighten up defensively, and he’s not delivering with points, either.

  4. Does Vincent have an idea of how to shake things up that isn’t scratch/bench players?

  5. Imaginary_Ganache_29

    If I’m the Jackets I sit Laine down with all of Ovis tape and tell him to do that. He isn’t a center. He isn’t a power forward. He’s a sniper. Let him snipe

  6. StoppageTimeCollapse

    This feels like a deeply unserious team right now

  7. Kenjataimuz

    Laine has had a CBJ career of being unhealthy, hard to get in a rhythm, hard to give a fair evaluation of.

    But right now and this year as a whole he is guilty of trying to do too much every time he steps on the ice. I love this guy as a human, and personally wasn’t a fan of the player when we first acquired him. He has taken huge strides in maturity and I think the thing that’s holding him back right now is every time he gets the puck he is trying to go 1on5 to the net, no matter where he starts from. Or when he is set up in his office, instead of ripping a good shot on an empty net, he’s trying to blast a 110 mph slapper through the net top corner.

    CBJ need to abandon the center experiment, get him on the wing of a line with one playmaker and one guy who will win battles in the corner, and just have Laine post up for the clapper. The power play should revolve around Laine’s scary shot the way that Washingtons has for years with Ovi. There is a role on this team for him, and he just needs to fully embrace that, quit being so hard on himself, and quit trying to single-handedly go coast to coast 1v5 for the goal on every shift. I feel bad for him, I think he’s taking all this hard and trying to single-handedly win games, when the reality is he’d be a lot more effective just excelling at a specific role with a skill set that he has that very few players in the league can match.

    I’m okay with the scratch on principle, arguably your best player has been a ghost and was not good last game. That’s fine, it’s the sort of things that good coaches have historically done, the problem is he already is pushing, he’s pushing too hard in fact and trying to do too much. I just hope this comes with a conversation about shifting his play style back to what has worked for him.

    Everyone is over the top doomers right now, but man this team is young and the 1st and 2nd year players look special. Things are going to gel here eventually and this team is going to be fun as fuck for a long time once it all clicks. I just hope they don’t do something reactionary and stupid to blow it up here.

  8. Softninjazz

    I’m a massive fan and have watched almost every NHL game Laine has played and even I agree this is probably good for him. Laine needs to be shoot first guy and needs to just think about scoring, because when he scores everything else in the game clicks into play for him.

    Away from what Laine can do himself, the leadership needs to take a hard look in the mirror with the powerplay. They need to think about how they can get the puck to Laine as much as possible so he can shoot it. Because you can be certain that out of every 4 shot on the PP 1 will go in when Patty shoots. That’s not true for any other player.

    So, don’t make Patty the puck carrier and tell the D to stop shooting if Patty is open. Zach will just shoot the other guys in the shin pads and the puck is out of zone again.

  9. BringBackBoomer

    Guys, Patty’s dad died 2 years ago. He probably just asked for the night off to grieve some.

  10. Columbus has lost 12 of their last 13 games. It is inexcusable and the coach must take full responsibility for it. Pascal doesn’t know what to do and punishes players for losses.

    Changing lines for every game and punishing players for mistakes indicates panic and poor coaching skills.

  11. ThunderousDemon86

    I’d love to put him back on the left wing. That is where he’s had most of his success.

  12. Green9510

    Rest him a game then put him back out there not as a center but as a LW on the third line. He’s just trying to do too much and he’s doing nothing at all. Reset and just start to KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) from here on out until you get your mojo back. You are paid to snipe bombs let’s work on that first!

  13. RockoIs1337

    He’s never going to be a Center. Throw him back to the wing for fucks sake.

  14. Erazzphoto

    Haven’t paid that close of attention, but if they’re still trying him at C , it needs to stop

  15. AlanLGuy

    I’m not gonna bitch about it too much because Vincent has to do something to try to change the results we’ve been getting, but he’s given a lot longer leash to a lot of other guys who aren’t trying to play a new position and who weren’t out with a concussion for weeks. But maybe he thinks Laine isn’t playing well because of persisting concussion symptoms and it isn’t so much a punishment…

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