@Rangers de New York

La dernière fois qu’on a joué contre les Stars

La dernière fois qu’on a joué contre les Stars



  1. Hionhelium87

    Probably the only regular season game in recent memory where I legit jumped off the couch screaming. Sam’s call on this was a goddamn classic.

  2. ShouniAishaKuma

    Man the garden was buzzing that night haha – I wanted to stay out and party with all the fans flooding the streets after, but had to work the next day.

    Seeing that game live will forever be burned into my brain haha

  3. Unlikely_Good7733

    My favorite game from last year! Let’s hope for a similar result tonight (maybe less dramatic this time lol).

  4. yeyeman9

    I remember that so clearly. Such an insane ending!

  5. We really need Mika and Kakko to step up offensively. Currently relying way too much on a few players for scoring. 4th line shined last game. Time for others to step it up.

  6. CptMurphy

    Someone got me tickets to this, and it was her first game ever. It was awesome.

  7. This is a great memory. Thanks for posting. Daughter was only a few days old sleeping on my chest and I had to somehow not scream when Miller scored. So great.

  8. d0ugh0ck

    All I could hear was Celine Dion playing in my head

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