@Panthers de la Floride

Panthers avec une foule électrique à guichets fermés lundi soir

Panthers avec une foule électrique à guichets fermés lundi soir



  1. Ok_Panda_3472

    How does attendance looks overall comparing to few previous seasons?

  2. EctoRiddler

    Earlier this season on a west coast trip one of the venues, dont recall which, was half full and when ppl on r/hockey were giving reasons most said the Panthers don’t draw.

  3. TherealDJStryker

    I hate myself for doubting Ekman Larsson tbh…..and the Rest of the Draft

  4. FLA-Hoosier

    Wow, we much be the richest fan base since all 15 of us bought 19k tickets! /s

  5. sametrical

    OR it was a sellout because Connor McDavid was in town

  6. The stands were essentially empty on tv. Guess scalpers bought the tickets and couldnt resell them.

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