@Ligue nationale de hockey

Est-ce une intention de blesser ?

Est-ce une intention de blesser ?



  1. oosikconnisseur

    Yeah I’d say so, intentional slewfoot

  2. Interesting-Race-919

    I believe that’s a slew foot. He should get suspended for shit like that

  3. Voltage604

    Intentional… No. Dangerous yes.

    But it was worth 5 10 and a game.

    There should be no further discipline but you never know with this league.

  4. National-Matter5783

    Definitely a slewfoot which is extremely dirty and easy to hit your head on the ice so I think so, honestly whatever it takes to get slewfooting out of the game I’m for lol

  5. Imaginary-Ladder-465

    Yes tripping the ref with a set of headphones is intent to injure

    Kidding aside, I think the penalty was appropriate but would be surprised if there’s any further discipline

  6. SorryImCanad1an

    No, full stop. Look at it frame by frame. Look where the force is generated and how that movement leads to the rest of the “take down”.

    Labanc’s skate is off the ice before any action by Hoglander is made, he’s already off balance to start with.

    Hoglander plants his left foot and then initiates the force from his upper body, and his lower body follows suit, in opposition, to counterbalance the twist from his upper body.

    Now remove Labanc’s leg as it’s not planted, Hoglander no longer has a grounded limb (Labanc’s left leg) to push up against. Hoglander’s “swinging” leg, stemming from the upper body torsion, has nothing to brace against and unintentionally continues to force Labanc more and more off balance, making it look like he’s taking out Labanc’s leg from under him. Look how jarred Hoglander is himself in trying to recover his balance from the play.

    It can be seen as a slew foot due to the result of all of the above, but no intent to injure.

  7. HandBananan

    Good way to get your opponent’s skates up in the air around your own throat area.

  8. SirLunatik

    If refs determine it was a slewfoot it is an automatic match penalty for attempt to injure

  9. Chipmunk-Adventurous

    Ya, canucks fan here. Intentional or not, that needs some kind of penalty. Not mad about 5 and a game.

  10. duck1014


    This looks the same as the hit on Knies in the playoffs last year.

    Based on the judgement there, it’s not a penalty, not worthy of supplementary discipline.

  11. Effective-Pin1707

    If this is being called for slew footing, why isn’t the same being called for Marchand every time he does it?

  12. Drnedsnickers2

    Yes. And weird reaction out of the blue.

  13. Aegis_1984

    It’s a slew foot, I don’t disagree, and it was the right call.

    What I have a problem with is the lack of consistency with calling it.

  14. PoliteIndecency

    I think any slew foot should be an automatic match penalty. It’s one of the most dangerous plays in the sport.

  15. Aurorabeamblast

    As an Avs fan, Canucks are among my least favorite team (cue Bertuzzi hit on Moore a decade or so ago). This infraction however looks like he was simply trying to shove back at the opposing player and lost his own footing. He almost fell himself. However, his careless did deserve a tripping penalty but I don’t see this a a major penalty. I’ve seen a lot worse not called as a major, and definitely not an ejection.

  16. Dexcessive

    If the refs/league determines this as an “intent to injure” and deserving a 5 minute penalty and a game ejection, surely they’ll enforce things like this in the future right?


  17. UncommonHouseSpider

    If anything, it looks like he was going to fall and grabbed the other player, taking him down instead. I don’t see intent to injure, but it should be a penalty. Calling it intent to injure is laughable, sorry.

  18. staticbomber_

    Did Marchand do something similar recently? Yes. Did he get suspended for it? No. Did he get a penalty? No. Was there any supplemental action? No. Has another player attempted it since him? Yes. Was he assessed a penalty? Yes. Will there be supplemental action? Yes, an obscene, over the top amount to make face for the fact they let this go 99% of the time. Incoming 4 game suspension if not longer.

  19. yemx0351

    Is this a serious question?

    Slew foot doesn’t have any other part of the game other than to injure.

  20. Ok-Cookie-5119

    Yes. 1 game is enough. No history of this kind of play.

  21. Sr_Raisin_bran

    Fucking joke buddy gets cross-checked was defending himself

  22. Rules are rules. I think we all just want consistency. 5 minute major was probably appropriate. SJS player returned so that could impact whether further discipline is handed out.

    Regarding the slew foot, Marchand’s the worst offender and I don’t think he’s received majors or suspensions for every time he’s done it. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.

  23. C_Bing_Run

    My take on it is, he widened his stance to push against the sharks player. The sharks players leading leg moves forward right before the push, and as hoglander is applying forward force his balance shifts and leg comes up, « slew footing » the sharks player. You can even see, right as contact is being made the sharks player is already leaning back slightly as he’s decelerating. Its just an unfortunate accident, no different then 99% of high sticking calls.

  24. JiffTheJester

    A slew foot, into a body slam? I’ll take yea on that one spam lord

  25. Hoser-theHoserian

    It’s a dangerous move that I’d rather not see from any player in the NHL. Hoglander plays with a bit of an abrasive side but I don’t think he’s been a dirty player to this point, but there’s no denying that he seems to regularly attract the attention of players from the other team, so maybe he’s one of those ‘sneaky dirty’ players.

    Either way, match penalty and a fine is the right call here. There’s no way they could suspend Hoglander, who has never had a suspension, given what other players who **DO** have a history of dangerous plays and suspensions have already been allowed to get away with this year.

  26. hockeynoticehockey

    The term « intent » irritates me. Did he literally intend to hurt him? No. Did he know what he was doing, and know that doing it can be very dangerous? 100%. There appears to be nothing accidental about this slew foot.

    Penalty is justified, wouldn’t be surprised if he was fined and/or suspended for a game or 2.

  27. Jemmani22

    Not sure if it was intent to injure. Definitely intent to slewfoot. And its a major infraction for a reason.

    Most people probably don’t *want* to hurt. They just do stupid shit.

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