@Oilers d'Edmonton

Ce drame de la LNH est tout simplement embarrassant…

Les Oilers d’Edmonton continuent de lutter et la nuit dernière n’a pas été différente. Même vieille histoire puisque les Oilers ont perdu 5-3. Ce qui n’a pas changé non plus, ce sont les terribles questions des journalistes de la LNH. Mark Spector a posé une autre question brutale après le match à Connor McDavid et Tim Peel, l’ancien arbitre de la LNH s’est joint à lui pour appeler Spector. Ce qui s’est passé ensuite est embarrassant pour tout le monde. Peel a posté des captures d’écran de Spector contrarié de s’accumuler et le tout n’est qu’un tas de drames inutiles. Néanmoins, à mon avis, c’est le genre de conneries qui embarrassent la LNH. J’en parle dans la vidéo NHL d’aujourd’hui. #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #edmontonoilers


  1. I feel bad for McDavid that he has to defend this mess night after night.

  2. I became a fan when the Canuck's went all the way in 94, it was David versus Goliath and made me an instant hockey fan. Now the NHL is more about money and politics, it seems like no one cares about integrity, class and respect. The games got much less interesting to me because of a lot of the people involved and even though i'd love to see the Canuck's win the cup before i die i doubt it will feel as special as it would have back then?……..Sigh

  3. It would be nice if there was a bit more candid talk coming out of the reporters around the league about stuff like this like Don Cherry or Jeremy Roenick or Paul Bissonnette but instead we’re stuck with “fair” coverage like Elliott Friedman and Ron Maclean, two dudes just fuckin terrified to say anything to Bettmans disliking. It’s actually a joke

  4. Canadian journalists have always been idiotic about hockey. The same can be said about Baseball in New York, or Soccer in Munich or the Premier League, or Italy, or pretty much anywhere in Europe, or Basketball in L.A. Beyond that, it's tough to be a phenom until success comes. Each Phenom in every sport is granted praise for a few years….but after a while, if the ultimate trophy is not won, then the questions get tougher. McDavid will have to elevate the Oilers to champion status, or go to another team and do so. If he does not, his career will always be questioned. That's how it goes. He's in teh doldrums right now, but that will change.

  5. Well, now the world knows Spector has big red buttons that are really easy to press. To he fair.. telling a journo that their question is dumb is like telling a singer they are tone deaf 😂

  6. All the crying about reporters asking questions is ridiculous. Boo hoo. Connor is going to cry if he gets one more question. What a delicate snowflake.

  7. Mark Spector couldn't ask a smart question if his life depended on it so people shouldn't even be surprised at this point. If only he was half as good at his job as the oilers are at winning hockey games.

  8. They would not ask these if they were winning this games come up 2-0 in two games they suck that bottom line .

  9. It was a stupid question. Kind of like asking the family of a murder victim "How are you feeling right now?"

  10. Once his contract is up he is gone. The best nhl player on the shittest team is not doing the nhl any good. He needs to win multiple Stanley cup cha8

  11. The media questions are stupid.
    Tim Peel calling out others is tone deaf.
    The Oilers are bad.
    Canada needs more sports so the overzealous attention to ice hockey chills out a bit.

  12. Ol spec is secretly being paid to run the boys out of town, by Garry bettman.

  13. Marc Sphincter is literally that. Classless 'journalist'. No one cares what he writes, says or does because he's the bottom of the sports sewer. Idiot. How he has any credentials allowing him anywhere near a professional sportsman is beyond me. He's probably done dirty deeds to keep them, that's for sure.

  14. Spector came in hot on the DM's, posting them is fair game. I don't like Peel but Spector is scum, he's just become a total bully over the years.

  15. Most of the time sports media people with a few exceptions, have zero clue about the sport they cover, their questions are stupid mainly because they don’t know what to ask and therefore have to ask the obvious, which translates into a stupid question, we need more Tortes interviews, he loves to call these media clowns out on stupid questions.

  16. So a reporter doesn't ask the usual REALY STUPID questions, and he's the idiot!! reporters are boring and lazy with the same same same same same stupid questions…. like so how did you see the game? Boring answer follows.Good job Spector

  17. “So would you guys rather finish the season 82-0 or struggle to make the playoffs?”

  18. I wouldn't say it's a stupid question. I'd say it's actually pretty clever. I agree with what the reporter was tryin to do… put it out there that they should stop worrying about defense and get back to lighting it up offensively. mcdavid has the same attitude no matter what question he gets asked… cocaine gives ya that snarl

  19. These two make my head spin… hope I do not see any more shit from either of them…

  20. I kind of love the drama because the league is so tight lipp about everything . we only get to talk about issues that we have with the league is when there is drama

  21. Spector consistently contradicts himself and has been caught more often than not making a mockery of himself and his opinions on an all too regular basis. He wrote after the San José game that if Ken Holland didn’t fire Woodcroft by the next game he had obviously given up on the season, after getting his wish he’s in the dressing room before the next game asking Draisaitl when the players are going to start taking accountability and not the coaches. If you want more on this clown and his antics see Craig MacTavish’s spot on Oilers Now last week.

  22. Most sports journalists have this weird thing going where they criticize people at least half their age who do things they could never have even gotten close to doing at any point in their life. They also typically don’t know as much about the real granular details of what they cover as much as they want everyone to believe. It’s a weird profession but it’s gotten worse with talking head programs on TV, podcasts, and radio where the whole thing has turned into “hot take-ism.” These people are rewarded for saying stupid things by getting larger and larger platforms to say even stupider things.

  23. First, I’d like to say I enjoy your videos and watch all of them. I’ve never thought much of journalists anymore, they seem to exist just to drum up some drama. I never thought a referee would call a penalty just to call one. The ref’s that do should be fired. Edmonton has two of the greatest players in the game and it’s hard to understand why they struggle so much. Good possibility is coaching but I’m far from an expert, just love the game. Have a good one.

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