@Ducks d'Anaheim

CE N’était PAS un objectif ?!

Je pense que la plupart d’entre nous ont déjà vu cette image et regardé cette pièce à plusieurs reprises. Il ne fait aucun doute dans mon esprit que les Ducks d’Anaheim ont marqué, et je pense que 99,9 % des amateurs de hockey conviendraient que c’était un but. Cela signifie que les Ducks se sont vu voler au moins 1, voire 2 points hier soir contre les Panthers de Floride. Le plus triste c’est que je ne suis même plus surpris. La LNH est incohérente dans chaque examen, depuis les hors-jeu, les punitions des joueurs jusqu’à l’interférence du gardien de but. Je récapitule le match Anaheim Ducks vs Florida Panthers dans cette vidéo ! 2:17- Récapitulatif du match (pénalité à genoux de LaCombe) 3:39- Mises à jour de Zegras, Drysdale et Luneau Si vous avez aimé ce que vous avez vu, assurez-vous d’appuyer sur ce bouton d’abonnement ! https://www.youtube.com/@duckmylife?sub_confirmation=1 Lien vers tout – https://linktr.ee/duckmylife Suivez nos réseaux sociaux ! TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@duckmylife_yt Insta : https://www.instagram.com/duckmylife_yt/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/duckmylife_yt Achetez des produits dérivés DML – https://duck-my -life-shop.fourthwall.com/ Faites un don ici ! https://streamelements.com/duckmylife/tip Découvrez nos autres chaînes ! Chaîne de jeux : https://www.youtube.com/@dmlgaming_yt Chaîne de vie : https://www.youtube.com/@itsthewoods *Avis de non-responsabilité en matière de droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une autorisation est accordée pour une « utilisation équitable ». à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. it's old Gary's fault, he's more worried on fucking expatiation then fixing the league. I'm from TORONTO and that call is BULLSHIT it's a GOAL

  2. i think it was a goal, but haven't seen full proof evidence it was a goal. i think what screwed them is that they use low fps camera as the overhead. there is frames missing when the puck is up against the pad. and then you add the mushy grainy quality to the frames you do have – that cant even make out the red line.

  3. over a 82 season, if you give the higher revenue franchises (whether that is the franchise itself or the state they are in), these kinds of calls, you can manipulate who will and who won't make the playoffs to make the most dough. im not saying this is what happened here, im just saying..

  4. I'm still sick about this decision. Between drafts and calls, Ducks are getting the short end of the stick for the most part it seems. We were robbed Crosby and Bedard. I bet if the Ducks organization did what the blackhawks did, we would lose more than a 1st round.

    Us getting a wild card spot would shove it in the leagues face and get Cronin an award.

  5. Why do we have video review if you can’t even tell what it is based off of the video. You look at the review and you still can’t tell if the puck crossed the line like what’s the point of having it at all

  6. Top down view IS IN ANGLE. Otherwise you couldn't both the red line and the bar. Simple as that.
    So therefore it's VERY POSSIBLE that the puck didn't go over the line completely so therefore it's inconclusive => NO GOAL.


  7. Yeah honestly, i think your right there, The Ducks need to stop playing 3rd periods only, and playing full 60min games. I thought the smacking by Colorado would maybe light a fire under the ducks to show why its important to keep playing. This unfortunate error costs the Ducks, but really not playing for the other 2 periods doesnt really make up for this.

  8. I literally saw this before the replay. I didn’t even need the replay to see it was a good goal on tv. They will never ever do anything because if they did it would prove what we already know refs aren’t perfect and the morons watching the cameras are apparently just high.

  9. The fans were clearly mad they were saying “ref you suck.” For the rest of the game. And everyone was so excited when they first saw the recap

  10. Ducks definitely got hosed. With that they still need to dominate early. A lousy call like that wouldn't affect their game as much if they played a full 60 minutes. Winning is pretty new for this Ducks team. They have had so many off years lately so I am still glad to see a lot of fire in them. Still a ways to go, but getting there.

  11. we need a duck to say fuck it and check a ref through the boards and maybe they will start calling games right or have the refs be fined for not making the right call for the game like i said from day 1 here fuck the refs they are blind when refing the ducks

  12. I will tell you i'm an anaheim ducks Fan, but I was wearing a Panthers Jersey at this game. Because my cousin eugene from florida sent it to me and an honor Of his mom who battled cancer And it being Hockey fights cancer Night I decided to wear the Jersey and root for the panthers that night. But when this happened I can say that Puck crossed the line. It was pretty scary sitting alone in my seat. With all these people around me cursing at the officials when there was a four year old kid in front of me and some very drunk Teenagers behind me who tried to fight me. They were threatening me. I had to get an Usher. But after this goal got called off. I told them it was a goal. It shouldn't have been called. They got this wrong. They made us wait 7 minit's watching the same clip over and over again. I don't kno if it went in or not. I think it did, but also Toronto has millions of dollars worth of equipment. I think they should have shown us different angles or shown us what they saw to make that call.

  13. After getting needlessly flamed for trying to show this was a goal, it was nice to come back to some Duck My Life 😌

  14. That was the strangest call I’ve ever seen. What’s so weird is how long it took to review. Then as soon as the fans start booing the refs call no goal. This was a crime. Referees are ruining the games

  15. The injuries to Z and Jamie really bother me. The Ducks wasted the their training camp In negations. Now they are injured 🤦‍♂️ You can tell Drysdale wasn’t ready to play. And Zegras has been really inconsistent. Those preseason games are crucial to getting adapt to the speed & feel of a real game no amount of practice can replicate. I hope Ducks can get back on track. I don’t even care if they win or lose, I just want to see goals scored and progress!

  16. Yeah I agree,
    Z’s Defensive Game and speed has been helping this year so we do miss him and need him back on the ice but of course not until he’s completely healthy otherwise he can create bigger problems to his own body.

  17. i dont watch a lot of hockey besides ducks games so i thought it was just me that it seems ducks are always on the worse end of those 50-50 situations. not to mention reviews….any angel fans here? angels suck at reviews or challenges too…. now after learning we are the most penalized team in recent years i guess it wasnt just me….geez….

  18. We played a 20 minute hockey game. Without Z or carlsson that top line can’t transition the puck out of the defensive zone. And that lacombe and Fowler pairing had yet another night where they were responsible for too many defensive zone giveaways.

  19. You will NEVER get any justification from the NHL, because they have none. It's the Ducks that got the short end after all, so the NHL had moved on 5 seconds after the decision was made. If anything, the fact it was the Ducks, explained exactly why they disallowed it after their so-called "review." I've been a season seat holder since before the 1st preseason game in 1993, and honestly, I don't know why I even bother paying money for tickets, when crappy calls like these, can literally change a game or even a season for a team. I've grown used to the Ducks getting shafted, and frankly, if they don't care, why should I? Why support a team, knowing that in the end, the league can be responsible for whether they succeed.

    They may not have played a good game for the 1st 40 minutes, but that's completely irrelevant. This was a goal, and the score should have been 2-2. Whatever happened the remainder of the game, would have been fair, and the Ducks may still have lost in regulation. But the point is, that is what they deserved. Silf got the puck across the goal line, it was a pretty play, and what they did up to that point doesn't matter. A team can play like garbage, have a hot goalie that stops every shot, and the team wins a game 1-0. Like any other sport. A baseball team can do nothing for 9 innings, be down 3-0, and then hit a walk off grand slam. Nobody cares what the first 8 2/3 innings were like, Scoreboard!

    If for some reason the Ducks are fighting in April for that final playoff spot, I certainly won't care about this disallowed goal, because the Ducks obviously didn't either. Just another in a long string of them getting screwed over by the league, and they meekly accept the consequences. Seeing so many on Twitter posting that "we are not at all Ducks fans, but they were robbed by that call," tells me all I need to know. Like you said, 99.9% of fans know it was a goal, but they don't matter. The NHL decided it, and whatever they say, goes. I plan to take a break from watching or attending the next few games, because I simply don't care at this point. It only makes me more pi*(ed off every time something like this happens, and it seems to happen every few games, where the game is taken out of the teams' hands by either the crappy on ice officials, or those in Toronto.

    Oh, and if you think the Blackhawks just happened to get the #1 pick by luck, overtaking both Anaheim & Columbus, I've got a bridge to sell you.

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