@Blues de Saint-Louis

Faits saillants de la LNH | Blues contre Jets – 19 décembre 2021

Paul Stastny a récolté deux buts et une passe, tandis que Nikolaj Ehlers a marqué son propre but et récolté trois passes alors que les Jets de Winnipeg ont battu les Blues de St. Louis 4-2.


  1. Man i feel something with this team we have. Really love the russian line. I always put them in the same line on NHL22

  2. lol Binningtion always plays so well facing the jets this game should of been 6-1 that shorthanded goal was a joke but still good job binny for keeping your team in it twice this year…

  3. Нулевые Сент Луис, проебать виннипегу,который играют раз в 6 игр, охуенно вам ебланы конченые

  4. crowd is absolutely dead, they used to say we had the best fans in the league, vaccine has turned them into zombies.

  5. Lots of blues fans here,news they lost deal with it,and the blues announcers are always silent when the keys score, speechless at and when the blues score it's like the won the game smh

  6. Binningtron is so bad he needs to throw his helmet off twice to stop play because his trash team is getting overwhelmed. I’m happy he got a penalty – haha St. Louis L

  7. Я по-прежнему не понимаю почему так тихо на арене. Полный стадион людей, а тишина как в театре. Это же Канада. Там же должны понимать, что такое хоккей. Зачем все эти люди туда приходят? Чтобы молча посидеть? Молча можно и дома посидеть.

  8. These Russians understand something about hockey. Today Bluesmans no luck. But the best games are yet to come.

  9. Why the sportsnet not have tsn feed on this videos? For the Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal some Games?

  10. Oh my … how to spell A-W-F-U-L-S-T-L-O-U-I-S-P-L-A-Y-B-Y-P-L-A-Y-A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E-R-? 😅

  11. So the Premier of Manitoba is allowing NHL games to continue? I know its a different story in BC, Ontario and Quebec. Sorry from the U.S—someone fill me in. Thanks

  12. Интересно когда Тарас забивал ему ассист запишут…как второго ассиста надо будет статистику глянуть!))

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