@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Oilers @ Hurricanes 11/22 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Oilers d’Edmonton aux Hurricanes de la Caroline


  1. It looks like the Oilers are playing the, How many times can we hang the goalie out to dry in 60mins game. Absolutely brutal defending on three of those goals.

  2. i have said FROM DAY 1 as soon as the oilers got mcdavid and draisatl BOTH ARE LOSERS AND THE #1 and 1A problem with the oilers. You can have all the talent in the world but if you have a attitude problem you wont get far in life. Before these 2 losers got here RNH and NURSE were very cordial in interviews. Watch them now in interviews. 97 and 29 ARE NOT LEADERS. Watch them in interviews . Lets start with draisatl, acting like a diva and premadona rude . MCD …..robotic ,hardly says anything shrugs all the time at questions seems like he would rather be anywhere else but doing interviews. IS THAT FREAKING LEADERSHIP? You dummies cant see the problem ith this team….. and im not saying they dont have a big problem with management either. Starting with katz…..then holland this guy mntions detroit 100 times and repeats the same things over and over he does not come across as competant AT ALL in interviews.

  3. Not good enough from Carolina letting them get within 2. Have to close out games. The only consistency this team has show is an inability to play a full 60. They found a way to ruin what should have been a tremendous game.

  4. Skinner is a siv and always has been . . . there's this thing called money . . . buy a good goalie you dummies

  5. Well. I guess Campbell or the coach wasn't the problem. They played the game way last year and just out scored teams but they're not able to do that this year.

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