@Ligue nationale de hockey

La pièce aurait-elle dû s’arrêter ?

La pièce aurait-elle dû s’arrêter ?



  1. SonOfProbert

    Absolutely. Quick should have just pushed the net off.

  2. Southern-Ad-302

    Yes. Protect the goaltender. If you think it’s intentional (this wasnt,) then call the delay of game.

  3. rocketmn69_

    They opposing player shot his glove into the corner, could be considered interference or unsportsmanlike conduct. Since the goaler doesn’t have the option to leave the ice, it could be a safety issue if he doesn’t have his gear on. Should have been blown dead

  4. 4 god damn officials on the ice, and no one blew the whistle?? Jesus Christ.

  5. BallsMahogany_redux

    Charlie Lindgren tried to make a stop barehanded last year.

  6. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    Technically no, because there’s no rule saying it should be. Should there be a rule to blow the whistle if the goalie loses equipment? Absolutely. Quick should’ve just thrown his helmet off or better yet push the net off. Another round of bs seemingly shot toward the Rangers.

  7. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Morally..yes it should have blown dead, and you could argue the guy who kicked the glove into the corner should have been penalized.

    But the rules are play will continue unless a goalies helmet comes off and there isn’t an immediate goal scoring opportunity. Hellebyck got his helmet ripped off in Dallas last year and they allowed play to continue for a good 5 seconds till they scored.

  8. stephenlipic

    Should have removed his helmet and taken the 2 min penalty I guess.

  9. roscomikotrain

    Penguin guy knocked his glove off.
    Goalie interference.

  10. jaymochi

    Holy shit if he would have caught that shot barehanded it would have been legendary.

  11. Alextryingforgrate

    [As per scouting the refs, website in a Edmonton VS Colorado case 2022 involving one Nasim Kadri and Mike Smith.](https://scoutingtherefs.com/2022/06/34532/no-whistle-as-avs-score-on-gloveless-mike-smith/)

    When a goalkeeper has lost his helmet and/or face mask and his team has control of the puck, play shall be stopped immediately to allow the goalkeeper the opportunity to regain his helmet and/or face mask.

    When the opposing team has control of the puck, play shall only be stopped if there is no immediate and impending scoring opportunity. This stoppage of play must be made by the Referee.

    **Play shall not be stopped nor the game delayed by reasons of adjustments to clothing, equipment, skates or sticks.**

    No delay shall be permitted for the repair or adjustment of goalkeeper’s equipment. If adjustments are required, the goalkeeper shall leave the ice and his place shall be taken by the substitute goalkeeper immediately.

  12. KantanaBrigantei

    They don’t stop it because they don’t want goalies to drop gear to stop the play, but they should really let the ref use his judgement on that call.

  13. Flyguyflyby

    Trick question. The play was ruled offsides, therefore this never happened.

  14. Like17Badgers

    if it’s an equipment malfunction from the goalie(that isnt their helmet getting stripped) play continues until the defending team touches the puck(similar to a delayed pen)

    however people are saying that the Penguins knocked the glove away. If the refs see it as « keeping the glove away from the goalie » and not « clearing hazards from the ice » they could have called a penalty.

  15. Ok_Lab1511

    Should be stopped. But past similar situations like Tuukka having a broken skate blade doesn’t necessarily justify play being stopped. NHL/PA need to figure this out.

  16. Foresight35-20

    Considering the equipment is at the refs feet… Yes!

  17. The pushing of the glove didn’t appear intentional but the shot to glove side definitely was a choice made from Quick not having it, despite no clear rule I would say in the interest of fairness yes play should have stopped.

  18. Yes. Every single time a piece of goalie equipment comes off play should be stopped immediately.

    Intention can be determined after. But the fact the league is totally willing to sacrifice a goalie taking an 80+mph shot to an exposed body part rather then stopping the play is ridiculous. Who cares if it’s fair, protect your players!

  19. Yes, only because the player moved his equipment farther away from him. If your glove falls off, that’s on you. But if it falls off and is pushed away from you, that should be a stop in the play.

  20. Should’ve included 1 second earlier of how it came off.

  21. kukkolai

    These situations tends to favor the Penguins

  22. I believe USA hockey has a rule about gloves that’s similar to the NHLs rule about masks. If there’s no immediate scoring opportunity, blow the whistle. Not worth it to see a goalie lose a finger or break their hand.

  23. mastrochr

    I think the rule is only to automatically stop play for a goalie’s mask, not other equipment. Happened to Tuukka, too, and I remember the NHL having to release a statement because of the backlash and questioning from both fans and Bruins management.

  24. dawggawddagummit

    If I were the goalie or a player I would’ve protested. This is bullshit and the fact that no one stands up and stops playing is a big reason why there’s no changes.

  25. gibson531

    In the post game, Quick said he asked the refs to look at it during intermission and they said the goal would have counted because he was out of the crease when the glove came off. Personally, I think anytime a goalie loses equipment besides his stick, the play should be called dead, for the players safety. He tried saving it w/o the glove because it’s a natural reaction, that could have ended his season.

  26. Cancel_Still

    It looks like he aimed at the ungloved side

  27. Yoghurt3516

    Naw, Bettman wants Crosby to make it to the playoff this year. XD

    But yes, should’ve definitely stopped the play the moment the other team kicked the glove.

  28. pye-oh-my

    Our defenseman played a penalty kill , lost a skate blade, couldn’t go anywhere, took a puck to the hand, broke it, now he’s gone for months.

    I never saw a sport league that cares so little for his athletes.
    OF COURSE the play should have stopped, what are they expect?

  29. jkman61494

    This was goalie interference AND a penalty for kicking it. I mean. when even the PENGUIN TV crew was saying how crazy it was the goal was allowed, you know it was BAD…And that was before the challenge

  30. I_just_work_heree

    I’m so confused. Please someone help. I thought the Penguins lost 0-1? This clip makes it seem like they scored?

  31. I think it should be treated the same way as if a goalie looses a helmet during the game. That’s a player safety issue.

  32. Falcon3492

    Quick lost his glove when a Penguins player skated by and knocked it off and then the puck went to the corner. At that time the imminent scoring opportunity was over and the play should have been blown dead. Just another in the long list of blown calls by the current crop of incompetent NHL referees.

    Whole video of Quick losing glove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUpwIfsQxDw

  33. osamasbintrappin

    I actually said yes out loud as soon as I saw this lol

  34. He could have pulled a Lundqvist and just pushed over the goal.

  35. Yop_BombNA

    Should have stopped as a penalty to the guy who knocked the glove further into the corner

  36. Sparrowhawk996

    If there’s no goaltender interference on the play, the other team should be allowed to shoot on you without your equipment

  37. _chuckiefinster

    God I wish he had made that save with his bare hand

  38. Dapper_Tackle_7745

    Imagine a bare handed save right there. Injury risk super high but that would have been an all-time highlight. Throws pucks at ref.

  39. Fast_Vehicle_1888

    Man, I really hope they change the rule before a goalie loses a hand.

  40. FXSlayer27

    Everyone saying he kicked the glove to the corner has the eyesight of Angel Hernandez. It happened so quick(pun intended) that it didn’t look like the player even knew there was a glove in front of his skate. Still, although I don’t think it’s in the rules, the play should have been blown dead for player safety

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