@Sabres de Buffalo

Est-ce le premier but le plus sale de tous les temps ?

Nous devons parler des premiers buts en carrière du jeune Zach Benson – les Sabres de Buffalo en ont peut-être un bon entre les mains ! Cela et bien plus encore pour la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Sedin to Sedin to burn Kiprisoff was pretty filthy. Probably drew it up in some Swedish bus league.

  2. I don't see how you send Zach Benson back to the WHL. He had 4 assists before this first NHL goal.

  3. Every time I see someone go through the legs like that I have angry flashbacks to the Hertle goal.

  4. Just set out to respond to your question with a rookie goal montage, if anyone wants to check it out. I juxtaposed Benson's goal against active career leaders, all-time leaders, and his rookie peers. Personally, I think Jordan Eberle's first goal is the filthiest, but no doubt this is an excellent question!

  5. Zach Benson For an NHL goal at that Level was Like shooting a puck that was on fire 🔥 between the Legs and Fireng the Back hand at that speed was mind bending " Zack Bensons goal could go down in too categories best #1 NHL goal for rookie #2 in 2023 of November that could snipe could earn goal of month in the entire NHL " if im Role playing as Kevin Adams im doing to things offering a contract calling Bensons agent and getting this Stud Fowward In Buffalo Sabres Stable impressive stuff Buffalo Sabres should sighn benson a decent and competitive two year deal

  6. Saw your video title and immediately asked myself if it was better than Eberle's first. Great you included that to compare. This one is pure filth. Eberle's still beats it out, but not by much at all.

  7. Ya, Eberle's goal will likely not ever be beat for a first NHL goal. Guy had us thinking he was the future of the oilers franchise for a minute there

  8. Had the option to go backhand over the pad which woukdnave been a highlight reel on its own. Nope. Had to go all star with it😂

  9. Problem with the Sabres is that nobody has really gotten on a hot streak this year.

    On the other hand, they haven’t gone on a month long losing streak

    …so there’s a chance.

  10. Great first goal but easier than you think for a professional hockey player

  11. I’m still blown away that Zach Benson fell to the Sabers in the draft. I’m extremely happy we got him. But crazy that no other team picked him up first.

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