@Predators de Nashville

C’était une décision absolue de la ligue de la bière

Faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui 2023 – Les Flames de Calgary contre les Predators de Nashville ont eu un moment assez hilarant que vous devez voir. Le match en lui-même n’a pas été le plus divertissant de la soirée, mais celui-ci est en lice pour cela. Cette vidéo sert également de récapitulation des faits saillants des Flames vs Predators – J’ai également couvert Connor McDavid Leon Draisaitl et le match des Oilers d’Edmonton dans une autre vidéo aujourd’hui, regardez-la. Restez avec Johnny Hawkey pour les faits saillants du hockey de la LNH, les discussions sur les rumeurs commerciales et les actualités de la LNH, les classements, la couverture de moments amusants comme celui-ci et lorsque les joueurs sont au micro et plus encore. LNH 2023 #hockey #nhl #faits saillants


  1. The only other time I remember Someone throwing there stick is when shisterkin threw his stick at ovi in a shootout

  2. The only other time I remember something like this was back at some international tournament (might've been the Olympics) and Theo Fleury had a breakaway on an empty net, defender throws the stick and doesn't even come close to knocking the puck loose. Honestly, i'm pretty sure Weegar's thought process was "We're down 4-1, there's under 2 minutes to go, the refs kinda suck tonight, we're just playing for stats now…screw it, let's see how many PIM's I can get"

  3. Ovi threw his stick at pasta in the all star game when pasta was on a breakaway but that’s the only thing I can think of

  4. Seattle threw the stick to stop a cross-seam pass by Detroit just a few games ago this season and it went completely uncalled lol

  5. yes it happened against the redwings (vs habs) this year and the refs did NOT call it – no surprise – the refs hate Detroit 😡 —- crickets from Toronto. everyone knows you can throw your stick against the redwings and the refs will NOT call it.

  6. Georgiev throwing his stick at Ovechkin in the shootout March 2019. Ovi was awarded a goal and the caps won the shootout

  7. Jaden Schwartz, Seattle vs Detroit. Oct 24. No call, turn over, Seattle scores. They win by 1. Still mad.

  8. I've seen that move a few times in beer league and it never worked that well. I'm impressed.

  9. He did that sure. But nashville got away with throwing the puck in front of the net and a slew foot on popisil

  10. ive seen that happen here and there, usually they try to make it not so obvious

  11. Where are the refs? Hand pass for big goal? slew foot? What are the refs watching? And even when they review the handpass they still rule it a goal? The commentators show the slew foot 3 or four times and don't even mention it? If that would of been a McDavid or any star player there would of been a suspension never mind a penalty. Bush league reffing and not only in this game.

  12. I think Weegar was just thinking if they didnt call that clear hand pass into the fucking goalies crease, then fuck it. Anything goes at that point.

    Think he just convinced me to get a Weegar jersey tbh, hes hilarious.

  13. I turned on the game and they were reviewing it and Kelly was ripping it and that call was bullshit

  14. In 2019 when the Leafs were playing the Habs, Kapanen had a shot hit and break his stick, so he thought it would be a great idea to throw the top half of the broken stick directly into the skates of Petry who had the puck. Obviously this lead to a penalty shot, which Petry then scored on.

  15. I know the Huberdeau giveaway was bad but can someone breakdown what he should’ve or could’ve done instead? What makes the giveaway bad in detail from a systemstrategy perspective

  16. I didn’t know the score when I first saw it. But I thought it was smart af. The goalie would rather face a penalty shot than a back door pass

  17. I love how the Preds can just grab the puck and throw it into the crease but God forbid Weegar throw his stick lol

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