@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Max Domi a été un $$$ absolu pour nous

Les statistiques ne mentent pas, l’homme est bien produit pour nous et s’intègre parfaitement dans le système !



  1. jokerjoust

    Where does he rank with players averaging 13:06 TOI?

  2. rage_quit_ian

    Ahhhh remember when some hated him? I bet if he slumps it happens again

  3. He’s been fine. He’s scored four of those nine in two games. Which is to be expected, it’s how he put up points prior to us. He’s a streaky third liner

  4. RobTheGood

    Agree with others: he’s been fine. I don’t know what a domi-led 3rd line looks like in the playoffs, though.

  5. Falconflyer75

    I like Domi and really want him to do well I just hope he gets at least a few goals this season

    Like if he got 2 or 3 non shootout goals and a bunch of assists that’s more than enough

  6. Hes def now being used to his strengths. He is who he is.

  7. The_Dale_Hunters

    I think that’s a bit extreme. He stared very poorly and is playing quite well as our 3C of late.

  8. No-Aspect-4304

    Now he’s on a line with Robertson he looks much better than at the start of the season

  9. Shoelesshobos

    To start this season he was a bust now he is $$$.

    I think it’s safe to say that he’s a streaky player who is finding success right now with jarny and Nicky bobby which is fantastic.

  10. I wouldn’t say he’s been $$$, but he’s getting better each game for sure and has found some chemistry with Robinson.

  11. Natural-Web-6978

    I think once he gets comfortable he should fit in better. I feel like you can see him playing in his dad’s shadow.

  12. JuicemaN16

    “Absolute money” 🤣

    I do hope that is sarcasm.

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