@Ligue nationale de hockey

Fleury portera le masque

Selon Allan Walsh, Fleury porterait son masque conçu sur mesure lors du match d’aujourd’hui. https://x.com/walsha/status/1728102175455474060?s=46



  1. jmac1915

    Ah, so the key is to not tell the NHL beforehand.

  2. Practical_Card_7640

    The leagues policy of not promoting special initiatives on the ice is a one sided policy. I see special interests on each teams helmets. Special interests on the boards and even animated in telecasts. If you are ever in need of a lawyer just watch a nights game. If you are going to make rules that are built to ensure the integrity of the league then it needs to go further.

  3. zzKURUPTzz

    The league just cant get out of it’s own way.

  4. Tall_Scholar_8597

    What is the issue with wearing the mask? Why is the NHL so opposed to it?

  5. Aegis_1984

    Then they’d better fine Demko for celebrating Gino Odjick, an Algonquin First Nations member, on his mask too. And Binnington for appropriating Yin-Yang, even though he isn’t Asian. And Carter Hart for paying tribute to Ray Emery and Taylor Hawkins. And Cam Talbot for having a tribute to Stranger Things without paying royalties.

    NHL, Bettman, get fucked.

  6. NightHaunted

    God the NHL is just the most unlikable league. Great product, but that’s just because hockey under NA rules is great. Literally everything else is a mess all the fucking time.

  7. Zinfandel_Red1914

    I’m guessing the NHLPA is saying/doing nothing for the…players?

    Did they make an agreement and handcuff themselves?

  8. armyants1027

    If I were Billy G, I’d tell the league to get bent and tell Flower to wear the mask. I also would have custom helmets made for the rest of the team to wear a big giant fuck you to Bettman and crew.

  9. Elm0musk

    So a goalie cannot show support for Native Americans but all american teams can start every game « saluting » their military?

    Bettman is a ghoul. He needs to FO immediately

  10. One-Diver-6597

    Can’t support positive things like indigenous culture or breast cancer awareness because like 3-4 players hate the LGBTQ community. Awesome job NHL.

  11. ChompyDompy

    **DEVELOPING STORY–BREAKING NEWS**: NHL to make all goalie masks from clear acrylic; fuck you players and fans!

  12. CountKristopher

    Wtf is wrong with the NHL?! How do we go from supporting every cause out there to this in under a year because of a couple bigots and think that’s making the right choices. Fucking cowards, have some spine.

  13. SnooDogs9048

    Something i dont understand… there is literally a team with a face of native American as their logo, what is the issue here

  14. weschester

    This is where we were headed the second the NHL capitulated to bigots.

  15. CarlosAVP

    Bettman going all in on “moron commissioner who never played the game”.

  16. deadphisherman

    If any team should tell Gary to eat shit it’s the Wild.

  17. jonnycanuck67

    Why is the NHL literally wrong on almost every one of these issues… if they just acceded to his request no one outside of a handful of people would have taken notice… what a bunch of douche nozzles at NHL head office

  18. No_Character_5315

    I think the nhl should do a heritage week and let players run jerseys with names in that language form whatever heritage they are from. Matthew’s suzuki Robertson Kadri Whitecloud etc etc etc be cool plus the teams will probably make a decent amount from those jersey sales.

  19. Hockystr17

    NHL really giving the NFL a run for their money as the Kings of the dumb rules leauge..

  20. GroundbreakingCow775

    This seems like a nice gesture that won’t hurt anyone

    Parasites running the NHL are just mad there is no sponsor on his mask and they don’t have merchandise lines up to capitalize on this cause, like every other one they have done in the past without being invested in the causes

    Freedom of speech is driven by cash in the NHL

  21. foreverjustfornow

    Idk why the league just continues to shoot itself in the foot over and over again like they’re not gonna run out of feet

  22. notyomamasusername

    Another example of how the best sport is stuck in the worst league.

    NHL needs a shake up.

  23. If it is heritage night why would he get fined, is Bettman offended?

    Seems like a positive tribute

    Kind of like other tribute nights.

  24. I get why the NHL wanted to get away from polarizing social issues. News networks that didn’t give one single shit about hockey beforehand on a weekly basis were making top stories about what a bigoted league they were. Players in the news and social media (like here) were being singled out and shamed for not wearing the ribbon.

    But is Native American heritage a social issue?

    Let’s pretend Malcolm Subban got called up and wanted a black history themed helmet during black history month, I would really love to see Bettman threaten him and the team.

    I hope Wild management just gives the blessing to Fleury and say since he’s willing to pay his fine, they’ll pay theirs too.

  25. oliferro

    The NHL only support natives when it’s the Blackhawks doing shady shit

  26. Porkybeaner

    By this logic, Chicago should be kicked out of the league and find $100 million

  27. Alextryingforgrate

    I hope he wears it for the rest of the season and donates a bunch of cash to an indigenous group for the amount of the fine.

  28. GreenPlasticWaterCan

    Minnesota should stand with MA and take the fine. This is just ridiculous.

  29. little_freddy

    The nhl is played in our home and native land

  30. Own-Being-1973

    Not understanding the problem with his mask?

  31. PoachedPancakes

    What benefit does it serve the NHL and its shareholders to prohibit Fleury from wearing an indigenous design on his mask?

  32. Strangle1441

    I don’t like that this is what the pride warmups have turned into

  33. SnooOpinions8755

    Fluery is and always will be the man. Respect 🤙

  34. LogieThePerogie

    This is why fleury is my favourite goalie

  35. BrianSpillman

    They should probably ban the Blackhawks too then.

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