@Red Wings de Détroit

But de Berggren assisté par Edvinsson et Hirose.

But de Berggren assisté par Edvinsson et Hirose.



  1. This is Eds second assist of the night so far.

  2. Ed with two assists on the night.

    Berg with a goal and an assist on the night.

    Kasper with two assist on the night.

  3. matt_minderbinder

    Good to see GR win what, from the stats, looks like a solid all around outing. I’m also please to see Albert Johansson’s back at it and getting in the groove after his injury.

  4. Strypes4686

    Couldn’t drive over for the game because of work…. it was Teddy Bear Toss night,who scored to set off the bear storm?

  5. OctoWings13

    Going to see the Griffins in a couple weeks, and so pumped to see these guys!

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