@Wild du Minnesota

Fleury vient d’embarrasser Gary Bettman et la LNH

La LNH a, depuis l’année dernière, modifié ses politiques liées aux messages sur les maillots – mais a récemment été montrée par Mark Andre Fleury qui a choisi d’ignorer les directives de la ligue et de porter son masque de fierté autochtone personnalisé. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. As a player you're an employee of the NHL. Dress code can be enforced. The problem here is the NHL one day was shoving special interest crap on the uni's and now they're saying no. Not an easy fix when the NHL, not the players created the problem. I watch sports to get away from the day to day nonsense. Now sports seems to be the biggest platform. With that said, let the social justice/keyboard warriors tell me what human garbage I am.

  2. These are the kind of rules we get when people complain about politics on the ice. If you hated the pride thing, this is on you

  3. They're doing things like this because they figure if he wears something representing his cause then the LGBTQ community will get their feelings hurt. Too bad.

  4. I understand not wearing the pride jersey cause that's not a culture it just something that has been forced on us but saying he can't wear the helmet is crazy native is a culture not just something we made up.

  5. Fleury should just make that the mask he wears every game going forward. Screw the NHL.

  6. Disagree. It's hockey. It's not a soapbox for the cause of the month. If the players want to support a cause it should be done off the ice, not on it.

  7. Bettman is slowly ruining the NHL… another dumb ass smart guy, not in touch with fans or players! Oh yeah, a jerk!

  8. Fleury did not embarrass Bettman. Bettman embarrassed himself. He really looks upon himself as a dictator.

  9. Goalie masks are all airbrushed. He should be able to wear it anytime he pleases

  10. Wear the mask and give this land back to the Indigenous people you thieves!

  11. Considering the NHL “appropriated” Nish names in their league for so many years…it’s kinda mind boggling …🤨and hypocritical.

  12. good on fleury for giving them the finger and doing it anyway. the only conclusion i can come to is the people who run the NHL are extreme bigots or just straight up morons

  13. In time when everything is political, you either allow everything or allow nothing.

    If you can wear a pride jersey and pride tape, then someone promoting a pro life organization should be allowed. All sports tries this, "We're being inclusive" nonsense, but when you have certain promotions for obviously liberal organizations, then by default you're being exclusionary to other conservative organizations.

    As usual, when the NHL basically said they wouldn't support the pride week/month/year stuff, suddenly all the LGBTQIA+37 people got all pissed and made the NHL back off it.

    Like I said, its either everything or nothing. I would prefer nothing because there shouldn't be any place for politics in sports, period, end of story.

  14. No reason why he shouldn't wear it 🤷🏻‍♂️ power to the flower 🌸

  15. honestly, people need to start wearing middle finger stickers on their equipment. cause the nhl is fucking stupid.

  16. Wasn't there an NHL goalie with gangsters and machine guns on his mask? That was ok? Gimme a break

  17. The focus should be on why Fleury is trying to break what the NHL' s policy is. Stupid or not, it's the policy. The media is making it seem like it's the NHL in the wrong, and in fact, Fleury is in the wrong here. Looking at it objectively and without bias.

  18. The issue is eliminating division. These causes are not about equality and representation it’s about bashing those who oppose you. That is what they’re getting rid of and that’s a good thing

    A hockey game is not the place for parading social “justice”. It’s about bringing people together in spaces where we do unite and are equal. It’s a cornerstone of Marxism coz that’s what these movements are at their core

  19. The NHL is run by an assortment of relics from a broken and dysfunctional time where social issues had no importance to institutions and who care far more about perceived slights to their undue, overreaching and authoritarian power over players' ability to freely express themselves than they do about making any positive impact in the world with their platform. This absolute debacle by the NHL head office is nothing but yet another glaring example of how utterly out of touch everyone involved with deciding the direction of the NHL as an entity truly are. Between this and the comically hypocritical handling of the Ottawa/Chicago violations, I'm surprised there hasn't been legal action taken against the NHL. It's incredible how consistent the NHL is at making the wrong decision.

  20. NHL when someone says the Blackhawks logo is in poor taste: 😴
    NHL when someone tries to support an organization or something close to them: 😤

  21. I'd prefer to keep "politics" out of sports…but this is just silly. He can't wear a mask b/c…I don't even know why.
    Goalies ALWAYS have stuff on their masks. The NHL is taking an unnecessary "L" here

  22. Also, let's not shy away from the fact it's probably the nicest looking mask we've seen in years.
    (I'm truly sad for Flower he had to wear it on top of such an ugly jersey, that shade of depressing green with the startingtogobadmustard yellow is precisely the colour combo one's eyes would spew out if they could vomit)

  23. So much for the league and their mantra of embracing all for the game of hockey. They let their hypocrisy show for all to see. Well done. 🙄

  24. It should just be if you wanna wear it you can then you don't need to if you wanna

  25. Im all for not wearing this pride shit,its almost insane to force players to wear this propaganda crap. And its called uniform for a reason. Ever thought about that?

  26. If players are forced to front for cause… that's bad
    If a player chooses to front for a cause… that's good
    especially for raising awareness for cancer

  27. Nothin wrong with that idk why indigenous players in nhl r not allowed to do anything but fleury job well done 👍 bettman should just mind his own business

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