@Jets de Winnipeg

C’était absolument méchant

#hockey #nhl #faits saillants Faits saillants de la LNH 2023 – Les Jets de Winnipeg contre les Panthers de la Floride ont été un match décisif pour les Jets et ont montré qu’ils sont bien plus que les buts de Kyle Connor. Ce but de Nikolaj Ehlers était autre chose, mec. Restez à l’écoute pour une couverture similaire à celle des jets vs panthers de la LNH aujourd’hui, des rumeurs commerciales et des actualités de la LNH 2023, des classements/top 10 ou 25 des joueurs, des arènes, des vestiaires de la LNH, des réactions aux moments micro et plus encore. Hockey de la LNH


  1. I can’t think of who on this line has impressed me the most but the tied line has been absolutely incredible

  2. Jets are looking great!! Ehlers coming into the season, missed training camp due to injury is just getting his game up to speed. He is looking great.

  3. not a jets fan, but live in winnipeg, the one player ive only heard good things about from fans is nino. they just love him here

  4. Adam Lowry's empty netter was pretty smooth…(I am so happy he's got the (C)). Leading up to the empty netter what a play by Appleton to dive and get the puck to Lowry!! Great game last night. It was an awesome solid effort!!! GO JETS!!!!

  5. After the game last night, Pomo stated that the Jets have the best third line in the NHL. The Jets are winning because of it – teams can't sleep on any single one of the Jets lines.

  6. You have never cover Nashville so can you please do it you are one of my favorite YouTubers butI will love to see something for Nashville

  7. Bowness calls out the team for their mediocre efforts in the first round of last season and look at how they respond to start the new season, particularly after extending Schiefele and Bucky. See what happens when a coach is actually allowed to share his frustrations with players not showing up? Tough structured hockey and elite goaltending, not unlike Vancouver. A few other Canadian "teams" could take notes from this approach.

  8. As a Penguins fan but watches every Jets game Sheifele as impressed me the most he is way better defensively and is putting up many pointa

  9. Regarding Perfetti, the unfortunate thing is that he will be looking for a substantial raise next year, and deservedly so, meaning that it's doubtful for them to be able to hang onto him.

  10. Vlad Namestnikov has impressed me, he’s punching above his weight and has solidified himself as a dependable two way forward with offensive output

  11. A few years ago Jets fans were talking about how we could only afford to keep either Ehlers or Laine. I feel like I was one of the only fans who wanted Ehlers more.

    I don’t say this often, but I told you so.

  12. Iafallo has been very impressive, he was worth the PLD trade straight up. But can't say enough good things about the new Capitan. Team guy through and through. The goal that they got with the stick off the bench was just so iconic, getting everyone involved. Brenden Dillon has been a beast too. The fight last game? Florida was getting chippy and Dillon just plastered the guy. He's been having a heck of a year. His first goal this year vs Arizona is also one of my favorites. It was his first goal in a century, and he just labeled it top cheese, and then smiles from ear to ear. The boys are rolling as a team. So good to see. (Call out to Samberg too, the guy must look like a zebra with all the stripes he gets from blocking shots)

  13. Love the Jets. Grew up on V1.0 and was glad they came back. Perfetti for sure, but Appleton and Niederreiter are also looking great.

  14. Dylan Samberg. The reason we fell off after making the western finals was because we lost practically our entire defense. Chevy has rebuilt it and I've been saying Samberg is going to be a beast for years now and he's finally proving me right.

  15. A lot of players have been incredibly impressive on the Jets, Nino and Vlad have been great respectively and yeah Perfetti is elite 🔥

  16. Bro heard my prayers but also the player that has impressed me the most has been Josh morrissey he’s been playing REALLY well

  17. Приятно видеть развитие команды. Владди делает черновую работу, Перфетти и Элерс творят в атаке. Я в восторге от Нидеррайтера – этот парень успевает везде! Хит, блок, гол – звоните Эль-Ниньо! Хотелось бы чтобы проснулся Нэйт Шмидт, ведь он может играть с шайбой. Всем привет из России! #GoJetsGo ✈️🔥

  18. Winnipeg as amazing depth. 1st line is just terrible on 5on5 and the team gets totally carried by other lines. Kyle Connor is abysmal on the defensive side of things.

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